Effective November 30th, 1952

Form OD5563

5M 5-56


Is the Property of


And is Loaned to


Who hereby agrees to return it to the proper officer, when called for, or upon leaving the service.

Erie Railroad Company

The New Jersey and New York Railroad Company

(Horace Banta, Trustee)




Effective November 30th, 1952





Order putting rules in effect


General notice


General rules




Operating Rules


Standard time




Signal rules


Color signals


Hand, flag and lamp signals


Emergency signals (whistle or horn)


Engine whistle signals


Torpedo signal


Communicating signals


Engine and train signals


Use of signals


Superiority of trains


Movement of trains


Rules for movement by train orders


Rules for operating train and message telephone circuits


Forms of train orders


Rules governing the movement of trains with the current of traffic on two or more tracks by block signals


Rules governing opposing and following movement of trains by block signals


Rules governing the movement of trains against the current of traffic on two or more tracks without block signals


Clearance Form A


INDEX (Continued)


Clearance Form B


Train order blanks "31", "19"


Fixed signals


Manual block signal system rules


Rules for operators


Rules for engine and train crews


Automatic block signal system rules


Rules for engine and train crews


Automatic train stop system


Traffic control system operating rules


Interlocking rules


Rules for operators


Rules for engine and train crews


General regulations for employees


Train dispatchers


Yard masters


Station agents


Baggage agents




Passenger conductors


Passenger trainmen


Train baggagemen


Freight conductors


Freight trainmen


Switch tenders






Yard conductors


Yard brakemen







Effective November 30th, 1952

The rules herein set forth govern the railroads operated by the Erie Railroad Company and New Jersey and New York Railroad. They take effect November 30th, 1952, superseding all previous rules and instructions inconsistent therewith.

To enter into or continue employment in the service of either of the above companies under the rules herein set forth is an agreement upon the part of an employe to abide by such rules.

The rules herein continue in full force and effect, notwithstanding any violation thereof, and can only be abrogated by authority of the Vice-President.

Special instructions not conflicting with these rules may be issued by proper authority.

Assistant Vice-President and General Manager

General Manager.

Approved: M. G. McINNES,


Safety is of the first importance in the discharge of duty.

Obedience to the rules is essential to safety.

To enter or remain in the service is an assurance of willingness to obey the rules.

The service demands the faithful, intelligent and courteous discharge of duty.

To obtain promotion, ability must be shown for greater responsibility.

The Company does not wish or expect its employes to incur any risks whatever from which by exercise of their own judgment, and by personal care they can protect themselves, but enjoins them in all cases to do their duty in safety, whether they may at the time be acting under orders of their superiors or otherwise.




A.  Employes whose duties are prescribed by these rules must provide themselves with a copy.
Employes whose duties are in any way affected by the time-table must have a copy of the current time-table with them while on duty.
Employes must be conversant with and obey the Safety Rules and provide themselves with a copy.

B.  Employes must be conversant with and obey the rules and special instructions. If in doubt as to their meaning they must apply to proper authority for an explanation.

B-1.  While special rules are sub-divided for convenience, they apply equally to all and must be observed wherever they relate in any way to the proper discharge of the duties of any employe.

B-2.  Employes whose duties or employment are affected by Federal, State or Municipal laws, or regulations of the Bureau of Explosives, must familiarize themselves with all requirements to avoid violation.

B-3.  Employes while on duty connected with trains on any division are under the authority and must conform to the orders of the officers of that division.

C.  Employes must pass the required examinations.

D.  Persons employed in any service on trains are subject to the rules and special instructions.

E.  Employes must render every assistance in their power in carrying out the rules and special instructions and must report to the proper officials any violation thereof.

F.  Accidents, failure in the supply of water or fuel, defects in track, bridges, signals, or any unusual conditions which may affect the movement of trains, must be promptly reported by quickest available means of communication to the proper authority.

G.  The use of intoxicants or narcotics by employes subject to duty, or their possession or use while on duty is prohibited, and is sufficient cause for dismissal.

H.  The use of tobacco by employes while on duty in or about passenger stations, or on passenger cars, is prohibited.

J.  Employes on duty must wear the prescribed badge and uniform and be neat in appearance.

J-1.  Employes must keep the premises and equipment in their charge in a neat and orderly condition.

J-2.  Employes must familiarize themselves with the location and operation of fire fighting apparatus and keep it ready for instant use.

K.  Employes and others authorized to transact business at stations and on or about trains, must be courteous, orderly and quiet.
When passenger train service is interrupted or when unusual or serious delay occurs, passengers on trains must be fully informed as to probable delay or rerouting of trains and be given every assistance possible in making emergency arrange-



ments for completion of trip. They must be given such opportunity as may be practicable for transmitting telegrams and where dining car service is not available, special arrangements must be made for meal service. Station Masters and Station Agents must be fully advised concerning interruptions, probable delay and rerouting of trains, and they must see that passengers at stations are fully informed and assist them in making emergency arrangements for reaching destination.

L.  In case of danger to the Company’s property employes must unite to protect it.

M.  Employes must exercise care to avoid injury to themselves or others. They must observe the condition of equipment and the tools which they use in performing their duties and when found defective will, if practicable, put them in safe condition, reporting defects to the proper authority.
They must expect trains or engines to run at any time, on any track, in either direction.
They must not stand on the track in front of an approaching engine or car for the purpose of boarding the same.

N.  Employes in engine, train or yard service must exercise care in moving cars or engines upon public or private delivery tracks, at freight or transfer houses, caboose and repair tracks. Proper warning must be given in all cases and no cars or engines moved against cars standing on such tracks until it is ascertained that all persons engaged upon, within or around the cars to be moved have protected themselves against personal injury and equipment made free for movement.

N-1.  In addition to the display of the blue signal as prescribed by Rule 26 and the use of special locks on designated repair tracks, it is prohibited to enter upon, take from, place on, or move cars on such tracks, until the conductor or employe in charge of engine or train has been furnished with a release order on the prescribed form. Foremen in charge of such designated repair tracks must deliver a copy of the Release-Order, to the conductor or employe in charge of engine or train before the special lock is removed.

N-2.  Conductors and others reporting accidents at highway grade crossings, should also advise character of crossing protection afforded at the time of the accident, whether by automatic or manual crossing gates, watchman, alarm bell, automatic flash light or wig-wag signals, highway traffic signals, or otherwise, and whether and how they worked; also give names, home and business addresses of all persons who may have any knowledge of the accident.
At a crossing protected by automatic crossing device, when practicable, the train involved in the accident should back over the crossing a sufficient distance to operate the device to see if same is in good order, and names, home and business addresses of outside witnesses to the proper operation of the device secured by the conductor.

N-3.  Conductors and others reporting personal injury or damage to wearing apparel caused by passengers tripping or falling from steps of cars should also include the following information: name or number and exact location of car steps; by designating end of car, the side, and the number of steps passenger tripped or fell down,



whether the steps were worn, cracked or broken and whether there was any snow, ice or water or foreign substance on them; what it was, and how long it had apparently been there. Also give names, home and business addresses of witnesses.

N-4.  Employes must not give information in regard to accidents to persons unable to identify themselves as authorized to secure such information.

O.  Employes must, as far as possible, observe all passing trains and note whether they are complete and in order; when practicable, conductors or rear trainmen of freight trains will stand on the rear platforms of cabooses and conductors or rear trainmen of passenger trains at the rear end of the train and exchange signals with other passing trains and open telegraph offices and look for signals from trackmen and other employes as they pass; should there be any indication of conditions endangering the train, or any other train, they must take such measures for the protection of trains as may be practicable.

O-1.  Employes must not absent themselves from duty nor provide a substitute without proper authority.
Time must not be shown on time slip, time book or payroll, except for work actually performed by the person named.

O-2.Employes who are dishonest, immoral, vicious, insubordinate, quarrelsome, uncivil in deportment, or who are careless of the safety of themselves or of others will not be retained in the service.

O-3.  The solicitation or acceptance by employes of any presents or gratuities from patrons or from subordinates is prohibited.

O-4.  Employes are required to devote their time excusively to the business of the company unless expressly exempt from so doing by the proper authority.

P.  The assignment or attaching of an employe’s wages by garnishee process or proceedings in aid of execution may be considered sufficient cause for dismissal.

Q.  A person dismissed from the service must not be re-employed without the consent of the head of the department or of the official who dismissed him.

S.  Employes must not contract any bill or other obligations on account of the railroad, or use the railroad’s credit, without proper authority.

S-1.  Employes must not sell, dispose of or purchase company material or supplies of any kind without proper authority.

T.  An employe served with a subpoena to report to any court or officer must, at once, notify his superior officer and communicate with or report in person to the railroad’s attorney and act under his direction.
Whenever a summons or any other legal paper is served upon an employe or it is sought to reach any freight or wages by legal process, current instructions should be followed.

U.  Whenever it shall come to the knowledge



of any employe that any work or improvement is proposed by any county, township, municipal or other authority, which in any way affects the railroad’s interests, information upon the subject, together with notice, if any, must at once be sent to the Superintendent, or when any notice is served upon any employe, or it shall come to his knowledge that any tax or assessment has been or is to be made against the railroad or any of its property, he must at once send full information in reference to same to the Superintendent and such other officials as required.

V.  Whenever passengers or employes are injured, everything possible must be done for their proper care. If prudent take them to the nearest place at which the Company has a surgeon for treatment, or, if they cannot be moved, call the nearest Company’s surgeon. If the case is urgent, the nearest competent surgeon obtainable must be called to administer first aid and care until the Company’s surgeon can take charge of the case. When a number of persons are injured, the services of competent surgeons in the vicinity must be secured at once, but no surgical operation is to be performed until the arrival of the Company’s surgeon, unless required for the immediate safety of the patient.

V-1.  Whenever a serious accident happens to a train, conductors, after making provision for safety of trains, must give their whole attention to the care and comfort of passengers, especially those who are injured.
Bedding and linen may be taken from sleeping cars for this purpose and, when necessary, injured persons may be put in sleeping cars.

V-2.  When persons (other than employes or passengers), by reason of climbing on, or jumping or falling from moving trains, or persons walking or lying on the tracks, are injured, they must be sent to their homes or placed in charge of the county, city or village authorities, and no expense incurred on the part of the Company in the matter.

V-3.  A report of all accidents must be made by conductor, agent or employe in charge. Where personal injuries are involved, report should give names, home and business addresses, and extent of injuries. This report must be transmitted to the Superintendent immediately, and as soon as possible thereafter, a full detailed report made on the prescribed forms and forwarded to the Superintendent.

V-4.  Every effort must be made to procure the names, home and business addresses of all persons who may have any knowledge of the accident, and reported on prescribed forms.

V-5.  When an accident occurs on an engine, or is caused by an engine striking any person or conveyance, or when cars are being coupled or uncoupled, a full report must be made on the prescribed form by the engineman as well as by the conductor or the person in charge of the train.

V-6.  When persons are injured on or between engines or cars, a report must be made giving initials and numbers of same, whether cars were loaded or empty, shipping point and destination. When practicable, at least three members of the train or yard crew must examine same imme-



diately and be prepared to make a written statement as to whether there was any defect in any particular and then make arrangements for a further inspection at terminal.
In cases of serious injury to persons between engines or cars, an immediate coupling and uncoupling test must be made when practicable and those of the crew making this test must use and examine the couplers, levers, etc., and be prepared to give statements showing the condition.

V-7.  Defective parts involving personal injury must be plainly marked for identification and if removed from equipment, forwarded to the Divisional head of the department for future reference.

V-8.  This Company is not responsible for board, medicine, nursing or surgical attention, except for the emergency service required in Rules V and V-2, unless authorized by the Chief Surgeon, Superintendent of the division, Claim Agent, or a general officer of the Company.

V-9.  In case of death on trains from accident or otherwise, or of the killing of any person on the track by trains, employes must see that the proprieties are observed and that the body receives appropriate care and is removed as soon as possible to a proper place and left in charge of a public officer or agent of the company.



BLOCK--A length of track of defined limits, the use of which by trains or engines is governed by block signals.

ABSOLUTE BLOCK--A block which may be occupied by but one train or engine at a time.

PERMISSIVE BLOCK--A block which may be occupied by two or more trains or engines at the same time.

CLEAR BLOCK--A block not occupied by a train or engine.


AUTOMATIC BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM--A series of consecutive blocks governed by block signals, actuated by a train, or engine, or by certain conditions affecting the use of a block.

MANUAL BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM--A block or a series of consecutive blocks, governed by block signals operated manually, upon information by telegraph, telephone or other means of communication.

TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM--A block-signal system under which train movements are authorized by block signals whose indications supersede the superiority of trains for both opposing and following movements on the same track.

AUTOMATIC TRAIN STOP SYSTEM--A system so arranged that its operation will automatically result in the application of the brakes until the



train has been brought to a stop, when conditions of track occupancy ahead, or other conditions, require that the train be stopped.


DIVISION--That portion of a railroad assigned to the supervision of a Superintendent.

SUB-DIVISION--A portion of a division designated by time-table.


ENGINE--A unit propelled by any form of energy, or a combination of such units operated from a single control, used in train or yard service.

YARD ENGINE--An engine assigned to yard service.


INTERLOCKING--An arrangement of signals and signal appliances so interconnected that their movements must succeed each other in proper sequence and for which interlocking rules are in effect. It may be operated manually or automatically.

INTERLOCKING LIMITS--The tracks between the opposing home signals of an interlocking.


PILOT--An employe assigned to a train when the engineman or conductor, or both, are not fully acquainted with the physical characteristics or rules of the railroad, or portion of the railroad, over which the train is to be moved.


SIGNAL ASPECT--The appearance of a fixed signal conveying an indication as viewed from the direction of an approaching train.

SIGNAL INDICATION--The information conveyed by the aspect of a signal.

BLOCK SIGNAL--A fixed signal at the entrance of a block to govern trains and engines entering and using that block.

DISTANT SIGNAL--A fixed signal used in connection with one or more signals to govern the approach thereto.

DWARF SIGNAL--A low home signal.

FIXED SIGNAL--A signal of fixed location indicating a condition affecting the movement of a train or engine.

NOTE TO DEFINITION OF FIXED SIGNAL--The definition of a "Fixed Signal" covers such signals as switch, train order, block, interlocking, semaphore, disc, ball, stop boards, yard limit boards, slow boards, or other means for displaying indications that govern the movement of a train or engine.

GRADE SIGNAL--Designated by a fifteen inch circular yellow disc located on the signal mast.

HOME SIGNAL--A fixed signal at the entrance of a route or block to govern trains or engines entering and using that route or block.

INTERLOCKING SIGNALS--The fixed signals of an interlocking.

STOP and PROCEED SIGNAL--Designated by number plate. (See Rules 291 and 298.)



STOP SIGNAL--Designated by the absence of number plate. (See Rule 292.) Observance of Telephone Train Order Signals covered by Rule 509-D.


TELEPHONE TRAIN OPDER SIGNAL--A position light unit or a square end semaphore arm attached to signal mast below the block signal and so designated on time-table or by special instructions.


MAXIMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED--The maximum speed authorized by time-table, or by special instructions, for a division or sub-division, subject to designated speed restrictions.

MEDIUM SPEED--One-half maximum authorized speed at point involved, but not to exceed thirty miles per hour unless otherwise provided.

RESTRICTED SPEED--Proceed prepared to stop short of train, obstruction, or anything that may require the speed of a train to be reduced.

SLOW SPEED--Fifteen miles per hour unless otherwise provided.


STATION--A place designated on the time-table by name.

BLOCK STATION--A place at which manual block signals are displayed.

INTERLOCKING STATION--A place from which an interlocking is operated.


TIME-TABLE--The authority for the movement of regular trains subject to the rules. It contains classified schedules with special instructions relating to the movement of trains.

SCHEDULE--That part of a time-table which prescribes class, direction, number and movement for a regular train.


MAIN TRACK--A track extending through yards and between stations, upon which trains are operated by time-table or train order, or both, or the use of which is governed by block signals.

CURRENT OF TRAFFIC--The movement of trains on a main track, in one direction, specified by the rules.

TWO OR MORE TRACKS--Two or more main tracks upon any of which the current of traffic may be in either specified direction.

SINGLE TRACK--A main track upon which trains are operated in both directions.

SIDING--A track auxiliary to the main track for meeting or passing trains.

YARD--A system of tracks within defined limits provided for the making up of trains, storing of cars and other purposes, over which movements not authorized by time-table, or by train order, may be made, subject to prescribed signals and rules, or special instructions.




TRAIN--An engine or more than one engine coupled, with or without cars, displaying markers.

EXTRA TRAIN--A train not authorized by a time-table schedule. It may be designated as:

EXTRA--For any extra train except passenger extra or work extra.

PASSENGER EXTRA--For passenger train extra.

WORK EXTRA--For work train extra.

REGULAR TRAIN--A train authorized by a time-table schedule.

SECTION--One of two or more trains running on the same schedule displaying signals or for which signals are displayed.

SUPERIOR TRAIN--A train having precedence over another train.

TRAIN OF SUPERIOR RIGHT--A train given precedence by train order.

TRAIN OF SUPERIOR CLASS--A train given precedence by time-table.

TRAIN OF SUPERIOR DIRECTION--A train given precedence in the direction specified by time-table as between opposing trains of the same class.


TRAIN REGISTER--A book or form which may be used at designated stations for registering signals displayed, the time of arrival and departure of trains and such other information as may be prescribed.


NOTE--Rules with a prefix "S" are for single track; those with a prefix "D" are for two or more tracks. Rules without a prefix are for single and two or more tracks.


1.  Standard Time obtained from Washington, D. C., Observatory will be transmitted to all points from designated offices at 12 o’clock noon EASTERN STANDARD TIME, and at 11 o’clock a.m. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME daily.

2.  Each conductor, engineer, fireman and trainman in train and yard service and other employes as may be designated, must carry, while on duty, a reliable railroad grade watch, for which there must be a prescribed certificate on file with the railroad.

2 (a).  Each employe whose watch is subject to inspection will be furnished a renewal certificate in prescribed form during January and July of each year, upon receipt of which he must report to a designated inspector within 60 days in order that the condition of his watch may be noted and a record of its performance made. This semi-annual renewal certificate must be filed with the Superintendent.

3.  Unless otherwise provided, watches of conductors, engineers, firemen and trainmen in train and yard service and other designated employes must be compared with a standard clock when commencing each day’s work. Time when watches are compared must be registered on a



prescribed form. The location of standard clocks will be shown in the time-table.
Yard trainmen not to be required to register watches.

3 (a).  Conductors, engineers, firemen and trainmen in train and yard service and other designated employes not having access to a standard clock, must compare watches with conductors and enginemen who have standard time and have registered, or must receive standard time by wire before commencing each day’s work.

3 (b).  Conductors and engineers, conductors, trainmen and flagmen, and engineers and firemen in train and yard service must compare watches with each other before starting a trip or commencing, work.


4.  Each timetable, from the moment it takes effect, supersedes the preceding time-table, and its schedules take effect on any division, or sub-division, at the leaving time at their initial stations on such division, or sub-division. But when a schedule of the preceding time-table corresponds in number, class, day of leaving, direction, and initial and terminal stations with a schedule of the new time-table, a train authorized by the preceding time-table will retain its train orders and assume the schedule of the corresponding number of the new time-table.

Schedules on each division, or sub-division, date from their initial stations on such division, or sub-division.

Not more than one schedule of the same number and day shall be in effect on any division, or sub-division.

5.  Not more than two times are given for a train at an station; where one is given, it is, unless otherwise indicated, the leaving time; where two, they are the arriving and the leaving time.

Unless otherwise specified, the time applies:
On single track, at the switch where an opposing train clears; where there is no switch it applies at the station.
On two or more tracks, at the station.

Schedule meeting or passing stations are indicated by figures in full-faced type.



Both the arriving and leaving time of a train are in full-faced type when both are meeting or passing times, or when one or more trains are to meet or pass it between those times.

Where there are one or more trains to meet or pass a train between two times, or more than one train to meet a train at any station, attention is called to it by showing the numbers of the trains in small type adjoining the full-faced type.

When trains are to be met or passed at a siding extending between two adjoining stations, the time at each end of the siding will be shown in full-faced type.

Meeting or passing points at the ends of double track, at junctions, and at terminal stations, will be shown in full faced type when the difference in the times of trains is five minutes or less.

6.  The following letters when placed before the figures of the schedule indicate:
  s--regular stop;
  f--flag stop to receive or discharge passengers or freight;

The following letters when placed following station name on schedule pages indicate:
  D--Day or part-time train order office.
  N--Day and night train order office.

Time-tables may provide additional letters or symbols to indicate specific instructions.


7.  Employes whose duties may require them to give signals, must provide themselves with the proper appliances, keep them in good order and ready for immediate use.

8.  Flags of the prescribed color must be used by day, and lights of the prescribed color by night.

9.  Day signals must be displayed from sunrise to sunset, but when day signals cannot be plainly seen, night signals must be used in addition.
Night signals must be displayed from sunset to sunrise.




(a)  Red.


(b)  Yellow.

Proceed at restricted speed, and for other uses prescribed by the Rules.

(c)  Green.

Proceed, and for other uses prescribed by the Rules.

(d)  Green and white.

Flag Stop. See Rule 28.

(e)  Blue.

See Rule 26.

(f)  Purple.

Stop. (Indication for derail in derailing position.)

11.  A train, other than a freight train on ascending grades governed by grade signals, finding a fusee burning red on or near its track, must stop and remove or extinguish the fusee and then proceed at restricted speed. Freight trains



on ascending grades governed by grade signals may pass a fusee burning red without stopping to remove it and proceed at restricted speed. When placing or dropping a fusee it will, so far as possible, be placed on the engineer’s side of the track and outside of the rail. Red fusees of five minute duration will be used.


NOTE--The hand, or a flag, moved the same as the lamp, as illustrated in the following diagrams, gives the same indication, except in the observance of Rule 12 (a) the hand or flag movement may be above the shoulder.
Whenever reference is made in rules to hand signals, It also applies to flag, lamp and fusee signal.

12 (a).

Rule 12(a)
Swung across the track.

12 (b).

Rule 12(b)
Held horizontally at arm’s length.

12 (c).

Rule 12(c)
Raised and lowered vertically.



12 (d).

Rule 12(d)
Swung vertically in a circle at half arm’s length across the track.

12 (e).

Rule 12(e)
Swung horizontally above the head, when standing.

12 (f).

Rule 12(f)
Held at arm’s length above the head, when standing.

12 (g).  Any object waved violently by any one on or near the track is a signal to stop.

12 (h).  Signals must be given from a point where they may be plainly seen and in such a way that they cannot be misunderstood. If there is doubt as to the meaning of a signal, or for whom it is intended, it must be regarded as a stop signal. If signals disappear from view, the movement must be stopped immediately.
The conductor must have a proper understanding with the train and engine crews to insure proper compliance with signals.


NOTE--The signals prescribed are illustrated by "o" for short sounds; "--" for longer sounds.



(a) ------------

All trains within interlocking limits stop immediately.

(b) o o

Resume normal movement after receiving the proper signal or permission from the signalman.

(c) o o o

Train or engine to back up after receiving proper signal or permission from signalman.

(d) o o o o

Call signal maintainer.

(e) o o o o o o

Call attention to signal displayed.




NOTE--The signals prescribed are illustrated by "o" for short sounds; "-" for longer sounds. The sound of the whistle should be distinct, with intensity and duration proportionate to the distance signal is to be conveyed.



(a) o

Apply brakes. Stop.

(b) - -

Release brakes. Proceed.

(c) - o o o

Flagman protect rear of train.

(d) - - - -

Flagman may return from west or South.*

(e) - - - - -

Flagman may return from east or north.*

(f) - - -

Train parted.

(g) o o

Answer to 14 (k) or any signal not otherwise provided for.

(h) o o o

When standing, back. Answer to 12 (d) and 16 (c). When running, answer to 16 (d).

(j) o o o o

Call for signals.

(k) - o o

To call the attention of yard engines, extra trains, or trains of the same or inferior class, or inferior right, also operators at open offices and when passing workmen on or about track, to signals displayed for a following section. On single track if not answered by a train, the train displaying signals must stop and ascertain the cause, except in traffic control system territory.
This signal must be given when passing both head and rear end of freight trains. Trainmen must acknowledge by giving the proceed hand or lamp signal as prescribed by Rule 12 (c), and enginemen as prescribed by Rule 14 (g).

(ka) o o - o when running

Provide for a relief engine at next running.

*As prescribed by Rule 99.



(l) -- -- o --

Approaching public crossings at grade. To be prolonged or repeated until crossing is reached.

(m) --------------------

Approaching stations, curves, mail cranes, junctions, railroad crossings at grade, and as prescribed by Rule 26 (a) and 26 (c).

(n) -- -- o

Approaching meeting or waiting points. See Rule S-90.
When running against current of traffic approaching point where train will return to normal track. See Rule D-90.

(o) o

Inspect brake pipe for leak or for brakes sticking.

(p) Succession of short sounds.

Alarm for persons or live stock on the track.

(q) -- o

When running against the current of traffic: (1) Approaching stations, workmen on or about tracks and curves or other points where view may be obscured. (2) Approaching passenger or freight trains and when passing freight trains.
Where there are two main tracks on which movements are made in either direction by signal indications, trains on left track will sound this signal preceding signal 14 (d) or 14 (e). (3) Preceding the signals prescribed by (d), (e), (r), (s), (t), (u), (v) and (w).



For additional tracks the following signals way be used:



(r) -- -- -- -- -- o

Flagman may return from east or north on ____ track.*

(s) -- -- -- -- o

Flagman may return from west or south on ____ track.*

(t) -- -- -- -- -- o o

Flagman may return from east or north on ____ track.*

(u) -- -- -- -- o o

Flagman may return from west or south on ____ track.*

(v) -- -- -- -- -- o o o

Flagman may return from east or north on ____ track.*

(w) -- -- -- -- o o o

Flagman may return from west or south on ____ track.*

*As prescribed by Rule 99.

NOTE--(r), (s). (t), (u), (v), (w), to be regulated by divisions affected by special instructions or time-table rule.

15.  The explosion of two torpedoes is a signal to proceed at restricted speed, except in automatic signal territory where trains will be governed by last signal indication and special instructions at the point involved, looking out for flagmen.

The explosion of one torpedo will indicate the same as two, but the use of two is required.

Torpedoes must not be placed at stations or on or near crossings.


NOTE--The signals prescribed are illustrated by "o" for short sounds; "--" for longer sounds.



(a) o o

When standing--start.

(b) o o

When running--stop at once.

(c) o o o

When standing--back.

(d) o o o

When running--stop at next passenger station.

(e) o o o o

When standing--apply or release air brakes.

(f) o o o o

When running--reduce speed.

(g) o o o o o

When standing--recall flagman.

(h) o o o o o

When running--increase speed.

(i) o o o o o o

When running--increase train line steam heat pressure.

(k) -------------------------

When running--brakes sticking; look back for hand signals.

(ka) -- -- o

When train is approaching meeting or waiting point. See Rule S-90.
When running against the current of traffic approaching point where train will return to normal track. See Rule D-90.

(l) o -- o

Shut off train steam heat.


17.  Headlight will be displayed to the front of every train in the direction in which train or engine is moving.

It must be dimmed:
(a) During daylight hours;
(b) While passing through yards;
(c) Approaching stations at which stops are



to be made or where trains are receiving or discharging passengers;
(d) Approaching train order signals, meeting points and when stopped;
(e) On two or more tracks when approaching a train in the opposite direction;
(f) Approaching fixed signals when the view of the signal is improved thereby.

18.  Yard engines will display the headlight at night at each end of the engine, except headlight on end coupled to cars may be extinguished.

18 (a).  Engines, other than yard engines, moving in yards at night without trains must display headlight or white light in the direction of movement, and one or more red lights to the rear.

19.  The following signals will be displayed, one on each side of the rear of every train, as markers, to indicate the rear of the train:
By day, on cars not equipped with fixed electric marker lamps, marker lamps not lighted; on engines and cars equipped with fixed electric marker lamps, marker lamps lighted as at night.
By night, on engines and cars, marker lamps lighted showing red to the rear except in manual block signal system territory when clear of main track, marker lamps lighted showing green to the rear.

19 (a).  A train not equipped to display the markers prescribed by Rule 19, will display on rear of train, by day, a red flag; by night, a red light except in manual block signal system territory when clear of main track, a white light.

19 (b).  Absence of markers must be promptly reported to the Superintendent.

20.  When displaying signals for a following section, all sections except the last will display two green lights in the places provided for that purpose on the engine.

21.  In single track territory where trains are scheduled, extra trains will display two white lights in the places provided for that purpose on the engine, except in traffic control system territory.

23.  One light displayed where in Rules 19, 20 and 21 two are prescribed will indicate the same as two; but the proper display of all engine and train signals is required.

24.  When cars are pushed by an engine (except when shifting or making up trains in yards), a white light must be displayed on the front of the leading car by night.

26.  A blue signal, displayed at one or both ends of an engine, car or train, indicates that workmen are under or about it; when thus protected it must not be coupled to or moved. Each class of workmen will display the blue signals and the same workmen are alone authorized to remove them. Other equipment must not be placed on the same track so as to intercept the view of the blue signals, without first notifying the workmen.
When emergency repair work is to be done under or about cars in a train and a blue signal is not available, the engineer and fireman will be notified and protection must be given those engaged in making the repairs.



26 (a).  A yellow board equipped with yellow reflector type disc and in addition a yellow lamp (to be lighted by night) placed beside the track on the engineer’s side indicates the track one mile distant is not in condition for regular speed. Speed over slow track (one mile distant) will be indicated by special order and speed of trains must be governed accordingly. At the point where the slow order begins another yellow board equipped with yellow reflector type disc will be located and speed authorized by special order must be maintained up to the point where a green board equipped with green reflector type disc is located to indicate end of temporary slow order. In case engineer has no copy of or has not seen special order, speed of six (6) miles per hour must not be exceeded. Engineer must sound whistle as provided in Rule 14 (m) when approaching temporary slow order boards. Engineer on passenger trains must be given signal from rear of train as provided in Rule 16 (h) and engineer on freight trains be given a signal as provided in Rule 12 (c) when possible to do so when the rear end of the train has passed over the track or structure covered by temporary slow order.

26 (b).  A yellow disc placed alongside track on engineer’s side showing numeral in large figures indicates rate of speed at which track may be used one mile distant from such yellow disc. At the point from which this speed must be maintained (one mile in advance of first yellow disc) a second yellow disc will be placed bearing the word "SLOW" and the speed indicated by numerals on the first yellow disc must be maintained from this point until reaching a green

disc marking the end of the permanent slow order. These discs will not be marked by any night indication.

26 (c).  A white metal disc with the letter "W" painted in black, mounted on a metal standard, placed beside the track on the engineer’s side, indicates track or other repair gang working on the track 1000 feet distant. Engineer must sound whistle as prescribed in Rule 14 (m).


27.  A signal imperfectly displayed, or the absence of a signal at a place where a signal is usually shown, must be regarded as the most restrictive indication that can be given by that signal, except that when the day indication is plainly seen, or when sufficient lights in a position light signal are displayed to determine indication of the signal, it will govern.
Employes using a switch where the switch light or reflector type disc is imperfectly displayed or absent, must, if practicable, correct or replace the light or disc.
Imperfectly displayed signals, or the absence of a signal at a place where a signal is usually shown must be promptly reported by first available means of communication to the Superintendent.

27 (a).  Trains must not proceed on radio information or hand signals as against block signals except as otherwise provided.

28.  A green and white signal will be used to stop a train only at the flag stations indicated on its schedule.



29.  When a signal, except a fixed signal, is given to stop a train, it must, unless otherwise provided, be acknowledged as prescribed by Rule 14 (g) or (h).

30.  The engine bell must be rung when an engine is about to move and while approaching and passing public crossings at grade and when running through tunnels or when passing a train standing on an adjacent track.

31.  The whistle must be sounded at all places where required by rule or by law or to prevent accident.

32.  The unnecessary use of either the whistle or the bell is prohibited.

34.  All members of engine and train crews must, when practicable, communicate to each other by its name the indication of each signal affecting the movement of their train or engine.

35.  The following signals will be used by flagmen:

Day signals-

Night signals-

A red flag,
Torpedoes and Fusees.

A red light,
A white light,
Torpedoes and Fusees.

35 (a).  The following signals will be used by trainmen and firemen when protecting engine or front of train:

Day signals-

Night signals-

A red flag,
Torpedoes and Fusees.

Torpedoes and Fusees.


S-71.  A train is superior to another train by right, class or direction.
Right is conferred by train order; class and direction by time-table.
Right is superior to class or direction.
Direction is superior as between trains of the same class.

D-71.  A train is superior to another train by right or class.
Right is conferred by train order; class by time-table.
Right is superior to class.

72.  Trains of the first class are superior to those of the second; trains of the second class are superior to those of the third; and so on.

S-72.  Trains in the direction specified by the time-table are superior to trains of the same class in the opposite direction.

73.  Extra trains are inferior to regular trains.


82.  Time-table schedules, unless fulfilled, are in effect for twelve hours after their time at each station.
Regular trains more than twelve hours behind either their schedule arriving or leaving time at any station lose both right and schedule, and can thereafter proceed only as authorized by train order.



S-83.  On single track a train must not leave its initial station on any division, or sub-division, or a junction, or pass from one of two or more tracks to single track, until it has been ascertained whether all trains due, which are superior, or of the same class, have arrived or left, except in traffic control system districts.
Stations at which train registers are located will be designated by time-table.

D-83.  On two or more tracks a train must not leave its initial station on any division, or sub-division, or a junction, until it has been ascertained whether all superior trains due have left.
Stations at which train registers are located will be designated by time-table.

83 (a).  Special order books and bulletin boards are provided at locations shown in the time-table. Conductors, trainmen, engineers and firemen must examine the special order book and bulletin board when reporting for duty and are required to sign their names and initials and to enter in column headed "Time" the date and time they examine each special order. It is forbidden for employes, other than those authorized, to make entries of any nature in special order books.

84.  A train or engine must not start until the proper signal is given.

85.  When a train of one schedule is on the time of another schedule of the same class in the same direction, it will proceed on its own schedule.
A section must not pass and run ahead of another section of the same schedule without first

exchanging train orders, signals and numbers with the section to be passed. The change in sections must be reported from the next available point of communication.

85 (a).  Trains of one schedule may pass trains of another schedule of the same class, and extra trains may pass and run ahead of second class trains and extra trains.

86.  Unless otherwise provided, an inferior train must be clear at the time a superior train in the same direction is due to leave the next station in the rear where time is shown.

S-87.  An inferior train must keep out of the way of opposing superior trains and failing to clear the main track by the time required by rule must be protected as prescribed by Rule 99.
Extra trains must clear the time of opposing regular trains not less than five minutes unless otherwise provided, and will be governed by train orders with respect to opposing extra trains.

S-88.  At meeting points between trains of the same class, the inferior time-table direction train must clear the main track before the leaving time of the superior train.
At meeting points authorized by train order, the train in the inferior time-table direction must take the siding unless otherwise provided. The train holding the main track must stop clear of the switch to be used by the train to be met entering the siding unless the opposing train is clear of the main track and the switch properly lined.
Trains must pull into the siding when prac-



ticable; if necessary to back in, the train must first be protected as prescribed by Rule 99, unless otherwise provided.

S-89.  At meeting points between trains of different classes the inferior train must take the siding and clear the superior train not less than five minutes.
Trains must pull into the siding when practicable. If necessary to back in, the train must first be protected as prescribed by Rule 99, unless otherwise provided.

S-90.  Trains must stop at schedule meeting points if the train to be met is of the same class, unless the switch is properly lined and the track clear.
Train must stop clear of the switch used by the train to be met in going on the siding.
When the expected train of the same class is not found at the schedule meeting point, the superior train must approach all sidings prepared to stop, until the expected train is met.
The engineer of each train will give signal 14 (n) at least one mile before reaching a meeting or waiting point. Should the engineer fail to give signal 14 (n) as herein prescribed, the conductor must take immediate action to stop the train.

D-90.  Engineers of trains running against the current of traffic will give signal 14 (n) at least one mile before reaching the point where train is to return to its normal track. On passenger trains running against the current of traffic, the conductor will give signal 16 (ka) at

least one mile before reaching the point where train is to return to its normal track. When radio communication is available on freight trains running against the current of traffic, the conductor will communicate with the engineer calling his attention to the location where train is to return to its normal track.

91.  Unless some form of block system is used trains in the same direction must keep not less than ten (10) minutes apart, except in closing up at stations.

92.  A train must not leave a station in advance of its schedule leaving time.

93.  Within yard limits the main track may be used, protecting against first class trains.
All other trains and engines must move on main track within yard limits prepared to stop unless the main track is seen or known to be clear.

Note--Yard limits will be designated in the time-table and indicated by yard limit signs.

Where automatic block signal system rules are in effect "known to be clear" includes where track is known to be clear by signal indication, except that this will not apply in yards where permission is not required to crossover or to enter upon the main track. (See time-table special instructions.)

93 (a).  On two or more main tracks, movements against the current of traffic within yard limits may be made under protection only, unless otherwise provided. (See time-table special instructions.)

94. A train which overtakes another train so disabled that it cannot proceed will pass it, if



practicable, and if necessary will assume the schedule and take the train orders of the disabled train, proceed to the next available point of communication, and there report to the Superintendent. The disabled train will assume the right or schedule and take the train orders of the last train with which it has exchanged, and will, when able, proceed to and report from the next available point of communication.

S-94.  When a train, unable to proceed against the right or schedule of an opposing train, is overtaken between communicating stations by an inferior train or a train of the same class having right or schedule which permits it to proceed, the delayed train may, after proper understanding with the following train, precede it to the next available point of communication, where it must report to the Superintendent.
When opposing trains are met under these circumstances, it must be fully explained to them by the leading train that the expected train is following.

95.  Two or more sections may be run on the same schedule.
Each section has equal timetable authority.
A train must not display signals for a following section, except as prescribed by Rule 85, without orders from the Superintendent.

S-96.  Unless otherwise provided signals must not be ordered displayed to, nor taken down at, other than a register station for the train displaying the signals.

97.  Extra trains must not be run on single

track without train orders, except as authorized by signal indication of traffic control systems. On two or more tracks, extra trains, other than passenger extras, may be run without train orders.
Work extras must move with the current of traffic unless otherwise directed.

98.  Trains must approach the end of two or more tracks, junctions, railroad crossings at grade, and draw-bridges, prepared to stop, unless the switches are properly lined, signals indicate proceed, and track is clear. Where required by time-table, trains must stop.

99.  When a train stops under circumstances in which it may be overtaken by another train, the flagman must go back immediately with flagman’s signals a sufficient distance to insure full protection, placing two torpedoes, and when necessary, in addition, displaying lighted fusees. When recalled and safety to the train will permit, he may return.
When the conditions require, he will leave the torpedoes and a lighted fusee.
The front of the train must be protected in the same way when necessary by the trainman or fireman.
When a train is moving under circumstances in which it may be overtaken by another train, the flagman must take such action as may be necessary to insure full protection. By night, or by day when the view is obscured, lighted fusees must be dropped off at proper intervals.
When day signals cannot be plainly seen, owing to weather or other conditions, night



signals must also be used. Conductors and engineers are responsible for the protection of their trains.

100.  When the flagman goes back to protect the rear of the train and is left behind, another member of the crew must fulfill the flagman’s duties.

101.  Trains must be fully protected against any known condition which interferes with their safe passage at normal speed.
When conditions are found which may interfere with the safe passage of trains at normal speed and no protection has been provided, such action must be taken as will insure safety.

102.  When a train is disabled or stopped by an emergency application of the air brakes or other causes, adjacent tracks as well as tracks of other railroads that are liable to be obstructed must at once be protected until it is ascertained they are safe and clear for the movement of trains.

103.  When cars are pushed by an engine (except when shifting or making up trains in yards), a trainman must take a conspicuous position on the leading car. When switching or pushing cars, or when making back-up movement at night with light engine not equipped with headlight, over public grade crossing not known to be protected by watchman or lowered gates, a member of crew must protect crossing and know that highway traffic has been stopped before permitting movement over crossing.

104.  Switches must be left properly lined after having been used. Employes lining switches

must see that points fit properly.
Certain hand-operated switches, the location of which is shown in the time-table, are equipped with electric locks to prevent unauthorized operation. Such switches must be operated in accordance with special instructions posted at each location.
Conductors are responsible for the position of switches used by them and members of their crews, except where switch tenders are stationed, but, when practicable, the engineer and fireman must see that the switches near the engine are properly lined.
A switch must not be left open for another train or engine unless in charge of a member of the crew of such train or engine.
A train or engine must not foul a track until all switches and derails are properly positioned for the movement to be made or in the case of spring switches, the normal route is seen to be clear.
When waiting to cross from one track to another, and during the approach or passage of a train or engine on tracks involved, all switches connected with the movement must be secured in the normal position.
Switches and derails must not be restored to normal position until a movement is completed or clear of the main track involved.
Where trains or engines are required to be reported clear of the main track such report must not be made until switch has been secured in its normal position.



At meeting or passing points the employe attending the switch must, after locking it for main track, take a position not less than thirty (30) feet from the switch stand, and on the opposite side of the track, if possible, until the expected train has passed.

105.  Trains or engines using other than main track must proceed expecting to find it occupied unless otherwise provided.
Sidings of an assigned direction must not be used in a reverse direction unless authorized by the Superintendent or in an emergency under flag protection.

105 (a).  Cars must not be left on passing sidings when possible to avoid it. When a passing siding is obstructed, notice must be sent promptly to the Superintendent.

106.  Both the conductor and the engineer are responsible for the safety of the train and the observance of the rules, and, under conditions not provided for by the rules, must take every precaution for protection. This does not relieve other employes of their responsibility under the rules.

107.  Trains must run at restricted speed in passing a train receiving or discharging passengers at a station, except where proper safeguards are provided or the movement is otherwise protected. They must not pass between it and the platform at which the passengers are being received or discharged, unless the movement is properly protected.

108.  In case of doubt or uncertainty. the

safe course must be taken.

D-151.  Where two main tracks are in service trains or engines must keep to the right unless otherwise provided.
Where three or more main tracks are in service they shall be designated by numbers and their use indicated by special instructions.

D-152.  When a train or engine crosses over to, or obstructs another track, unless otherwise provided, it must first be protected as prescribed by Rule 99 in both directions on that track.

153.  Trains carrying mail cars on which catcher service is performed, must sound the whistle signal as prescribed by Rule 14 (m) approaching mail cranes for the guidance of mail clerks.
Should a train carrying mail be diverted from its regular track, so that mail cannot be caught from crane, or delivered with safety, the train must stop to receive or deliver the mail, and trainmen will give the necessary assistance to mail clerks.

154.  Derails must be kept set and locked in derailing position when not in use. Cars must be placed to stand clear of all other tracks unless otherwise provided. They must be properly secured by handbrakes and every precaution taken to prevent them from being improperly moved.

155.  Where the letter "S" is attached to the switchstand of a hand-operated switch, it denotes "Spring Switch."
The location of spring switches will be desig-



nated by time-table or special instructions.
Trains and engines must stop and examine main track spring switches before making facing point movements over them, unless receiving a signal indication permitting them to proceed.

155 (a).  Where the movement over a spring switch is governed by signals and a "Stop" or "Stop and Proceed" indication is displayed, after complying with the rules, a train or engine must not make facing move over a spring switch until it has been carefully examined to insure that it is lined and points are fitting properly; nor enter upon or foul a main track; nor obstruct another main track, until the spring switch has first been operated by hand to proper position for the movement.
The spring switch must not be restored to normal position until the movement has been completed.

155 (b).  When a trailing movement through a spring switch is stopped before passing entirely through the switch, extra care must be taken to prevent reverse movement, slack running out or taking slack. If necessary to make such movement switches must be operated first by hand. When switching over spring switches they must be operated by hand.


201.  For movements not provided for by time-table, unless otherwise provided, train orders will be issued by authority and over the signature of the Superintendent and only contain information or instructions essential to such movements.
They must be brief and clear; in the prescribed forms when applicable; and without erasure, alteration or interlineation.
Figures in train orders must not be surrounded by brackets, circles or other characters.
202.  Each train order must be given in the same words to all employes or trains addressed.

203.  Train orders must be numbered consecutively each day, beginning at midnight.

204.  Train orders must be addressed to those who are to execute them, naming the place at which each is to receive his copy. Those for a train must be addressed to the conductor and engineer, and also to any one who acts as its pilot. A copy for each employe addressed must be supplied by the operator.
The engineer of each engine taken on at a point where no train orders are delivered to train must be advised by conductor or train engineer of all train orders previously received affecting movement in the territory covered by additional engine.
Orders addressed to operators restricting the movement of trains must be respected by conduc-



tors and engineers the same as if addressed to them.

205.  Each train order must be written in full in a book provided for the purpose in the office of the train dispatcher; and with it recorded the time and the signals which show when, from what offices and by whom the order was repeated and the responses transmitted; and the names of those who have signed for the order. These records must be made at once and never from memory or memoranda.
Additions to train orders must not be made after they have been repeated.

206.  In train orders, regular trains will be designated by number as "No. 2," and sections as "Second 2," adding engine numbers and unit designation of lead unit where required for proper identification. Extra trains will be designated by engine numbers, and unit designation of lead unit where required for proper identification and the direction as "Extra 700-A or 700-D, East or West." For the movement of an engine of another company, the initials will precede the engine number.
Even hours as "10:00 a.m.," must not be used in stating time in train orders.
In transmitting train orders by telegraph, time will be stated in figures and duplicated in words.
In transmitting train orders by telephone, the numbers of trains and engines in the address must be spelled, letter by letter, and then plainly pronounced. All stations and numerals in the body of an order must first be spelled, letter by letter, and then plainly pronounced, thus:

A-U-R-0-R-A Aurora and O-N-E 0 F-I-V-E One 0 Five.
The letters duplicating names of stations and numerals will not be written in the order book nor upon train orders.
When train orders are transmitted by telegraph, the train dispatcher must write the order as repeated by the first operator and must underscore each word and figure in the order as it is repeated by other operators. When transmitted by telephone, he must write the order as he transmits it and underscore each word and figure as repeated by each operator.

207.  To transmit a train order, the signal "31" or the signal "19" followed by the direction must be given to each office addressed, the number of copies being stated, if more or less than three -- thus, "31, West, copy 5," or "19, East, copy 2."
When an operator receives the signal "31" or "19" followed by the direction. he must immediately display the "Stop signal" for the direction indicated and then reply "stop displayed," adding the direction.

208.  A train order to be sent to two or more offices must be transmitted simultaneously to as many of them as practicable. When not sent simultaneously to all, the order must be sent first to the superior train.
The several addresses must be in the order of superiority of trains, each office taking its proper address, and, when practicable, must include the operator at the meeting or waiting point.
Copies of the order addressed to the operator



at the meeting or waiting point must be delivered to the trains affected until all have arrived from one direction.
A train order restricting the movement of a train must not be issued for it at the point where such movement is restricted if it can be avoided.
When so sent, the fact will be stated in the order, the train will be brought to a stop before delivery is made, and special precautions must be taken to insure safety.

209.  Operators receiving train, orders must write or typewrite them in manifold during transmission. If the requisite number of copies cannot be made at one writing, they must make others from the original copy and repeat to the train dispatcher from the new copies each time additional copies are made. They must retain a copy of each train order.
The word "Complete," the time, and the signature of the operator must be in his handwriting.

210.  When a "31" train order has been transmitted, operators must, unless otherwise directed, repeat it at once from the manifold copy in the succession in which the several offices have been addressed, and then write the time of repetition on the order. Each operator receiving the order should observe whether the others repeat correctly.
The conductor or engineer or others addressed must read it to the operator and then sign it, and the operator will send their signatures preceded by the number of the order to the Superintendent. The response "Complete," and the time, with the initials of the Superintendent,

will then be given by the train dispatcher. Each operator receiving this response will then write on each copy the word "Complete," the time, and his last name in full and then deliver a copy to each person addressed, except that when the order is signed by the conductor, he must personally deliver a copy of it to each engineer; the engineer will then read the order to the conductor before proceeding.
Engineers must show train orders to firemen and when practicable to forward trainmen. Conductors must show train orders when practicable to trainmen.
Firemen and trainmen are required to read them and remind engineers and conductors of their contents.

210 (a).  When a "19" train order has been transmitted, operators must, unless otherwise directed, repeat it at once from the manifold copy, in the succession in which the several offices have been addressed. Each operator receiving the order should observe whether the others repeat correctly. When the order has been repeated correctly by an operator, the response "Complete," and the time, with the initials of the Superintendent, will be given by the train dispatcher. The operator receiving this response will then write on each copy the word "Complete," the time, and his last name in full and personally deliver a copy to each person addressed without taking his signature. When delivery to engineer will take the operator from the immediate vicinity of his office, the engineer’s copy will be delivered by the conductor.
A "19" train order restricting the movement of



a train must not be issued for it at the point where such movement is restricted if it can be avoided. When so sent, the fact will be stated in the order, the train will be brought to a stop before delivery is made, and special precautions must be taken to insure safety.
Engineers must show train orders to firemen and when practicable to forward trainmen. Conductors must show train orders when practicable to trainmen.
Firemen and trainmen are required to read them and remind engineers and conductors of their contents.

211.  Clearance Form "A" must be filled out by the operator before clearing a train, showing thereon, without erasure or alteration, the total number of train orders and the number of each train order, if any, addressed to a train. He will then repeat from Clearance Form "A" to the train dispatcher the information shown thereon. The dispatcher will make the required record in the train order book, and if operator has correctly repeated the numbers of all train orders addressed to a train will respond by giving "OK," the time and his initials which the operator will endorse on the Clearance Form "A."
If all orders held for a train have been completed, and communication fails before Clearance Form "A" has been OK’d by train dispatcher, the operator may deliver such orders accompanied by Clearance Form "A," and bearing notation "Wire has failed," which will be acted upon as though "OK" had been given in the usual way. When communication is restored, operator will notify train dispatcher of each train cleared, the

time, and the numbers of the orders delivered, which train dispatcher will record in train order book.
Clearance Form "A" must be delivered together with all train orders to each person addressed. Conductors, engineers and firemen must, and when practicable trainmen will, see that the information shown on Clearance Form "A" corresponds with the train orders received.

213.  "Complete" must not be given to a train order for delivery to an inferior train until the order has been repeated by the operator who receives the order for the superior train.

214.  When a train order has been repeated and before "Complete" has been given, the order must be treated as a holding order for the train addressed, but must not be otherwise acted on until "Complete" has been given.
If the means of communication fails before an office has repeated an order, the order at that office is of no effect and must be there treated as if it had not been sent.

216.  For train orders delivered by the train dispatcher the requirements as to the record and delivery are the same as at other offices.

217.  A train order to be delivered to a train at a point not a train order office, or at which the office is closed, must be addressed to "C & E__________at (or between)__________care of__________" and forwarded and delivered by the conductor or other person in whose care it is addressed, and who is responsible for its delivery. The numbers of such train orders must be shown in the usual manner on



Clearance Form "A" of the train making delivery and must be listed in a message accompanying the order to be delivered.
For orders which are sent in the manner herein provided, to a train, the superiority of which is thereby restricted, the operator will be directed to make an extra copy of the order, which he will deliver to the person who is to make delivery of the order. On this copy, the person delivering the order must secure the signature of the conductor and engineer addressed. This copy he must deliver to the first operator accessible, who must at once transmit the signatures of the conductor and engineer to the train dispatcher, and preserve the copy. Under such circumstances "Complete" must not be given to the order for an inferior train until the train dispatcher has received the signatures of the conductor and engineer of the superior train.
When form "31" is used, "Complete" will be given upon the signature of the person by whom the order is to be delivered.

218.  When a train is named in a train order by its schedule number alone, all sections of that schedule are included, and each must have copies delivered to it.

219.  An operator must not repeat a train order restricting the movement of a train which has been cleared, or of which the engine has passed his train order signal, until he has obtained the signatures of the conductor and engineer to the order.
If necessary to issue a second Clearance Form "A," the original Clearance Form "A" must be

destroyed, and the second Clearance Form "A" must show the numbers of all train orders addressed to the train.

220.  Train orders once in effect continue so until fulfilled, superseded or annulled. Any part of an order specifying a particular movement may be either superseded or annulled.
Orders held by or issued for or any part of an order relating to a regular train become void when such train loses both right and schedule as prescribed by Rules 4 and 82, or is annulled.
When a conductor or engineer, or both, is relieved before the completion of a trip, all train orders and instructions held must be delivered to the relieving conductor or engineer. Such orders or instructions must be compared by the conductor and engineer before proceeding.

221.  Unless otherwise provided, a fixed signal must be used at each train order office, which shall indicate "Stop" where there is an operator on duty, except when changed to "Proceed" to allow a train to pass when there are no train orders for that train and when authorized by train dispatcher. While "Stop" is indicated, train must not leave without Clearance Form "A." If the train order signal is also a manual block signal, and the block is not clear, Clearance Form "B" in addition to Clearance Form "A" is required. The signal must be returned to "Stop" as soon as a train has passed. It must be fastened at "Proceed" only when no operator is on duty.
When a train order is to be delivered to a train, the fixed signal must be displayed at "Stop" for the track and in the direction of the approaching



train, and a flag or light must be displayed in the place provided for the purpose, a red flag or red light indicating "31" orders or "19" orders that restrict the superiority of the train at that point, a yellow flag or yellow light indicating other "19" orders.
This combination of signals must be acknowledged by the engineer by two short sounds of the engine whistle. In delivering "19" orders that restrict the superiority of train addressed at that point, the fixed signal must remain at "Stop" until such orders have been delivered and in delivering "31" orders the fixed signals must remain at "Stop" until the order is delivered as prescribed by Rule 210.
Form "19" train orders which do not restrict the superiority of the train addressed at that point may be delivered without stopping the train.
The operator must, after the signals have been acknowledged, leave the "19" train order indication displayed until the orders have been delivered, place the fixed signal at its proper position, go on the ground and hand the orders to the engineman and conductor. For freight trains the conductor’s copy must be handed on caboose.
When the "19" train order indication is displayed, the speed of the train must be reduced sufficiently to enable the operator to deliver the order. If the engineman fails to catch the order, the train must be stopped and not proceed without a proper train order. If the fixed signal should fail to work properly, Clearance Form "A" must be used.
If a signal is not displayed at a night office, trains which have not been notified must stop and

ascertain the cause and report the facts to the Superintendent from the next available point of communication.
At points where no separate train order or block signals are provided at interlocking, the fixed signals of the interlocking may be used as train order signals.
Points where train order signals are located, where train order signals are used as manual block signals and where interlocking signals are used as train order signals, will be designated in the time-table.

222.  Operators must promptly record and report to the train dispatcher the time of departure of all trains and the direction of extra trains. They must record the time of arrival of trains and report it when so directed. They must observe trains and report at once to the train dispatcher if the proper train and engine signals are not displayed.




223.  The following signals and abbreviations may be used:

Initials for signature of the Superintendent.
Such office and other signals as are arranged by the Superintendent.
C & E -- for Conductor and Engineer.
C & M -- for Conductor and Motorman.
Com -- for Complete.
O S -- Train Report.
No -- for Number.
Eng -- for Engine.
Sec -- for Section.
Psgr -- for Passenger.
Frt -- for Freight.
Mins -- for Minutes.
Jct -- for junction.
OK -- Correct.
MP -- Mile Post.
MPH -- Miles per hour.
Dispr -- for Train Dispatcher.
Opr -- for Operator.
31 or 19 -- to clear the line for Train Orders, and for Operators to ask for Train Orders.
SD -- for "Stop Displayed."
The usual abbreviations for the names of the months and stations.

223 (a).  The rules of the Operating Department for movement of trains by train orders and the transmission of messages, apply to the telephone, and the same methods must be observed as with the telegraph.
The train dispatcher shall be in absolute control of the train dispatcher’s circuit.
The monitor of the message circuit shall be in control of the message circuit.
The train dispatcher shall assume control of the message circuit when circumstances require.




NOTE -- Forms with a prefix "S" are for single track, those with a prefix "D" are for two or more tracks; those without prefixes "S" or "D" are for single or two or more tracks. The words and figures in italics in the forms are examples, indicating the manner in which the orders are to he filled out.


Fixing Meeting Points for Opposing Trains

(1) No. 1 meet No. 2 at B.
    No. 3 meet Second 4 at B.
    No. 5 meet Extra 93 east at B.
    Passenger Extra 652 west meet Extra 231 east at B.

(2) No. 2 and Second 4 meet No. 1 and No. 3 at C and Extra 9.5 west at D (and so on).
    No. 1 meet No. 2 at B Second 4 at C and Extra 95 east at D.

Trains receiving these orders will run with respect to each other to the designated points and there meet in the manner prescribed by the rules.


Directing a Train to Pass or Run Ahead of Another Train

(1) Extra 594 west pass No. 1 at J.

Both trains will run according to rule to the designated point and there arrange for the rear

train to pass promptly. Unless otherwise provided, the train to be passed will take siding.
When an inferior train receives an order to pass a superior train, authority is conferred to run ahead of the train passed from the designated point.

(2) Extra 594 east run ahead of No. 6 M to B.

The first-named train will run ahead of the second-named train between the points designated. Unless some form of block signal system is used, the following train will look out for the designated train ahead until the order is fulfilled.


Giving Right Over an Opposing Train

(1) No. 1 has right over No. 2 G to X.

If the second-named train reaches the point last named before the other arrives, it may proceed, keeping clear of the schedule of opposing train as required by rule. If the first-named train is met between the designated points, the conductor of the second-named train must inform it of his arrival.

(2) Extra 37 east has right over No. 3 F to A.

The regular train must not go beyond the point last named until the extra train has arrived, unless authorized by train order to do so.
These orders give right to the train first named over the other train between the points named. If the trains meet at either of the designated points, the first-named train must take the siding, unless the order otherwise prescribes.



(3) Extra 72 west has right over Extra 91 east A to Z and wait at N until 2:10 p.m.
P       3:25 p.m. for Extra 91 east.

The first-named extra train must not pass the designated waiting points before the time given, unless the second-named extra train has arrived. The second-named extra train must clear the time specified at the designated points or any intermediate station not less than 5 minutes.

Time Orders

(1) No. 1 runs 50 mins. late A to G and 20 mins. late G to K, etc.

This makes the schedule time of the train named, between the stations designated, as much later as stated in the order, and any other train receiving the order is required to run with respect to this later time as before required to run with respect to the regular schedule time. The time in the order should be such as can be easily added to the schedule time.

(2) Nos. 1 and 3 wait at N until 9:59 a.m.
P       10:30 a.m.
R       10:55 a.m., etc.

The train, or trains, named must not pass the designated points before the times given. Other trains receiving the order are required to run with respect to the time specified at the designated points or any intermediate station where schedule time is earlier than the time specified in the order, as before required to run with respect to the schedule time of the train, or trains, named.


(1) No. 1 wait at H until 9:59 a.m., for No. 2.

The train first named must not pass the designated point before the time given, unless the other train has arrived. The train last named is required to run with respect to the time specified, at the designated point or any intermediate station where schedule time is earlier than the time specified in the order, as before required to run with respect to the schedule time of the train first named.

For Sections

(1) Eng. 20 display signals and run as First 1 A to Z.

To be used when the number of the engine for which signals are displayed is unknown, and is to be followed by (2), both being single-order examples.

(2) Eng. 25 run as Second 1 A to Z
(3) No. 1 display signals A to G for Eng. 25. Second 1 display signals B to E for Eng. 99.
(4) Engs. 20, 25 and 99 run as First, Second and Third 1 A to Z.

To add an intermediate section (5) will be used.

(5) Eng. 85 display signals and run as Second 1 A to Z. Following sections change numbers accordingly.



The engine named will display signals and run as directed, and following sections will take the next higher number.
To drop an intermediate section (6) will be used.

(6) Eng. 85 is withdrawn as Second 1 at H. Following sections change numbers accordingly.

The engine named will drop out at H, and following sections will take the next lower number.

To substitute one engine for another on a section (7) will be used.

(7) Eng. 18 instead of Eng. 85 display signals and run as Second 1 R to Z.

The second-named engine will drop out at R, and be replaced by the first-named engine.
Following sections need not be addressed.

If the second-named engine is the last section, the words "display signals and" will be omitted.
To discontinue the display of signals (8) will be used.

(8) Second 1 take down signals at D.

The train named will take down signals as directed, and a following section must not proceed beyond the designated point.

To pass one section by another (9) will be used.

(9) Engs. 99 and 25 reverse positions as Second and Third 1 H to Z.

Conductors and enginemen of the trains

addressed will exchange orders and signals. Following sections, if any, need not be addressed.
Each section affected by these orders must have copies and must arrange signals accordingly.
To annul a section for which signals have been displayed over a division, or any part thereof, when no train is to follow the signals, Form K must be used.
When sections are run to an intermediate point of a schedule, the train orders must specify which section or sections shall assume the schedule beyond such point.

Extra Trains

(1) Eng. 99 run extra A to F.

(2) Eng. 99 run passenger extra A to F.

(3) Eng. 99 run extra A to F and return to C. The extra must go to F before returning to C.

(4) After extra 1000 west, which left B at two ten (2:10) p.m. arrives at A eng. 2000 will run extra from A to B.

Work Extra

(1) Eng. 292 works extra 6:45 a.m. until 5:45 p.m. between D and.E.

The work extra must, whether standing or



moving, protect itself, against extra trains within the working limits in both directions as prescribed by the rules. The time of regular trains must be cleared.

This may be modified by adding:

(a) Not protecting against eastward extra trains.

The work extra will protect only against westward extra trains. The time of regular trains must be cleared.

(b) Not protecting against extra trains.

Protection against extra trains is not required. The time of regular trains must be cleared.

(c) Extra 173 east wait at E until 9.15 a.m.
Extra 209 east wait at E until 12:10 p.m.
Other eastward extra trains wait at E until 5:45 p.m. for Work Extra 292.

The work extra will protect against the trains named after the times specified in the order.
The work extra must protect against westward extra trains.
The time of regular trains must be cleared.

When a work extra has been instructed by order to not protect against extra trains, and, afterward, it is desired to have it clear the track for, or protect itself after a certain hour against, a designated extra, an order may be given in the following form:

(2) Work extra 292 clears (or protects against), Extra 76 east between D and E after 2:10 p.m.

Extra 76 east must not enter the working limits before 2:10 p.m., and will then run expecting to find the work extra clear of the main track, or protecting itself, as the order may require.

To enable a work extra to work upon the time of a regular train, the following form will be used:

(3) Work Extra 292 protects against No. 55, (or ____ class trains), between D and E.

The work extra may work upon the time of the train or trains mentioned in the order, and must protect itself against such train or trains. The regular train or trains receiving the order will run expecting to find the work extra protecting itself.

When a work extra is to be given exclusive right over all trains, the following form will be used:

(4) Work Extra 292 has right over all trains between D and E 7:15 p.m. until 1:15 a.m.

This gives the work extra the exclusive right between the points designated between the times named.
The working limits should be as short as practicable, to be changed as the progress of the work may require.
Work extras must give way to all trains as promptly as practicable.



Whenever extra trains are run over working limits they must be given a copy of the order sent to the work extra. Should the working order instruct a work extra to not protect against extra trains in one or both directions, extra trains must protect against the work extra; if the order indicates that the work extra is protecting itself against other trains, they will run expecting to find the work extra protecting itself.

Work Extra

(1) Eng. 292 works extra on ____ track, (or ____ tracks), 6:45 a.m. until 5:45 p.m. between D and E.

The work extra must, whether standing or moving, protect itself within the working limits against extra trains moving with the current of traffic on the track or tracks named. The time of regular trains must be cleared.

This form may be modified by adding:

(a) Not protecting against extra trains.

Protection against extra trains is not required. The time of regular trains must be cleared.

(b) Extra 173 east wait at E until 9:15 a.m.
Extra 209 east wait at E until 12:10 p.m.
Other eastward extra trains wait at E until 5:45 p.m.

The work extra will protect against the trains named after the times specified in the order. The time of regular trains must be cleared.

To enable a work extra to work upon the time of a regular train, the following form may be used:

(2) Work extra 292 protects against No. 35, or ____ class trains, between D and E.

The work extra may work upon the time of the train or trains mentioned in the order and must protect itself against such train or trains.
The regular train or trains receiving the order will run expecting to find the work extra protecting itself.
When it is desired to move a train against the current of traffic over the working limits, provision must be made for the protection of such movement.

When a work extra is to be given exclusive right over all trains, the following form will be used:

(3) Work extra 292 has right over all trains on ____ and ____ tracks between G and H 7.01 p.m. until 1:01 a.m.

This gives the work extra the exclusive right to the track, or tracks, mentioned between the points designated between the times named.

The working limits should be as short as practicable; to be changed as the progress of the work may require.
Work extras must give way to all trains as promptly as practicable.



Holding Order

(1) Hold No. 2.

(2) Hold all, or eastward, trains.

When a train has been so held it must not proceed until the order to hold is annulled, or an order given to the operator in the form:

__________ may go.

These orders will be addressed to the operator and acknowledged in the usual manner, and will be delivered to conductors and engineers of all trains affected.
Form J will be used only when necessary to hold trains until orders can be given, or in case of emergency.

K. Annulling a Schedule or a Section

(1) No. 1 due to leave A Feb. 29th is annulled A to Z.

(2) Second 5 due to leave E Feb. 29th is annulled E to G.

The schedule or section annulled becomes void between the points named and cannot be restored. Form K will not be combined with other forms of train orders.

Annulling an Order

(1) Order No. 10 is annulled.

If an order which is to be annulled has not been delivered to a train, the annulling order will be addressed to the operator, who will destroy all copies of the order annulled but his own, and write on that:

Annulled by Order No. __________

An order which has been annulled must not be reissued under its original number.

Annulling Part of an Order

(1) That part of Order No. 10 reading No. 1 meet No. 2 at S is annulled.

(2) That part of Order No. 12 reading No. 3 pass No. 1 at S is annulled.

Form M will be used only when that part of the order not annulled is clear in its wording.

Superseding an Order or a Part of an Order

This order will be given by adding to prescribed forms the words "instead of __________"

(1) No. 1 meet No. 2 at C instead of B.

(2) No. I has right over No. 2 G to R instead of X.

An order which has been superseded must not be reissued under its original number.



When a train is directed by train order to take siding for another train, such instructions apply only at the point designated in that order, and do not apply to the superseding order unless so specified.

Superseding an Order or a Part of an Order

This order will be given by adding to prescribed forms, the words "instead of __________"

(1) No. 1 pass No. 3 at C instead of B.
(2) No. 1 display signals for Eng. 85 A to Z instead of G.

An order which has been superseded must not be reissued under its original number.

Issuance of a New Time-table

(1) Time-table No. 1 is effective at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, July 10.

Form Q will not be combined with other forms of train orders.

Providing for a Movement Against the Current of Traffic

(1) No. 1 has right over opposing trains on ____ track C to F.

The designated train must use the track specified between the points named and has right over opposing trains on that track between those

points. Opposing trains must not leave the point last named until the designated train arrives.
All trains between the points named moving with the current of traffic in the same direction as the designated train must, when practicable, receive a copy of the order, and may then proceed on their schedules, or rights.

This order may be modified as follows:

(2) After No. 4 arrives at C, No. 1 has right over opposing trains on ____ track C to F.

The train to be moved against the current of traffic must not leave the first-named point until the arrival of the first-named train.
A train must not be moved against the current of traffic until the track on which it is to run has been cleared of opposing trains.

Providing for the Use of a Section of Two or More Tracks as a Single Track

(1) __________ track will be used as single track between F and G.

If it is desired to limit the time for such use, add from 1:01 p.m. to 3.01 p.m.
All trains must use the track specified between the stations named and will be governed by rules for single track.
Trains running against the current of traffic on the track named must be clear of the track at the expiration of the time named, or protected as prescribed by Rule 99.




D-251.  On portions of the road so specified on the time-table, trains or engines will run with the current of traffic by block signals whose indications will supersede time-table superiority.

D-252.  The movement of trains will be supervised by the train dispatcher, who will issue instructions to operators when required.

D-253.  A train having work to do which may detain it more than five minutes, must obtain permission from the operator at the last station at which there is a siding before entering the block in which work is to be done. The operator must obtain authority to give this permission from the train dispatcher.

D-253 (a).  Trains or engines must not enter or foul the main track, nor cross over from one main track to another, except when authorized by the train dispatcher or operator, unless otherwise provided.

D-254.  Except as affected by Rule D-251, all Block Signal Rules and Operating Rules remain in force.


261.  On portions of the railroad, and on designated tracks so specified on the time-table, trains or engines will be governed by block signals whose indications will supersede the superiority of trains for both opposing and following movements on the same track.

262.  The movement of trains will be supervised by the train dispatcher, who will issue instructions to operators, when required.

263.  The train dispatcher must be advised in advance of any known condition that will delay the train or prevent it from making usual speed.

263 (a).  Trains or engines must not enter or foul the main track, nor cross over from one main track to another, except when authorized by the train dispatcher or operator, unless otherwise provided.

264.  Except as affected by Rule 261, all Block Signal Rules and Operating Rules remain in force.




D-271.  A train running against the current of traffic, where signals are not provided to govern the movement against current of traffic, must receive train order authority, Clearance Form "A" and Clearance Form "B" when required, for such movement.

D-271 (a).  The movement of trains will be authorized by the train dispatcher, who will issue instructions to operators.

D-271 (b).  An absolute block will be operated behind passenger trains. A passenger train will not be permitted to follow another passenger train, nor will a freight train be allowed to follow a passenger train until the passenger train has first cleared the next block office or returned to its normal track and reported into clear.
Before authorizing a Clear Block, the dispatcher must know that the block is clear of all trains and that no opposing train has been given permission or a signal to enter the block. Signals governing opposing movements, where provided, must display Stop indication. When the block is clear of all trains, and when authorized by the train dispatcher, the operator in charge of the block station will deliver Clearance Form "A" and train order when necessary.

D-271 (c).  (For absolute block for opposing movements and Permissive Block for following movements on the same track.)

Before authorizing a permissive block the train dispatcher must know that the block is clear of opposing trains and passenger trains and that no opposing train has been given permission or a signal to enter the block. Signals governing opposing movements, where provided, must display Stop indication. When the block is clear of opposing trains and passenger trains, and when authorized by the train dispatcher, the operator in charge of the block station will deliver Clearance Form "B" and, when necessary, train order and Clearance Form "A."

D-271 (d).  A train must not be admitted to a block which is occupied by an opposing train or by a passenger train except as provided in Rule T-333 or by train order as provided in Rule 318.

D-271 (e).  Block signals for a track apply only to trains moving with the current of traffic on that track. When authorized by the train dispatcher the operator will use prescribed Forms "A" and "B" and in addition, hand signals for blocking trains moving against the current of traffic.

D-271 (f).  During foggy or stormy weather, or under any other conditions causing poor visibility, not more than one train or engine will be permitted to occupy a block at the same time. Operators must keep train dispatchers advised as to prevailing weather conditions at all times.

D-271 (g).  These rules do not relieve engineers and conductors from protecting their train in accordance with provisions of Rule 99.



Form A

Form B



Standard Train Order Blank for 31 Order

Form 31

Standard Train Order Blank for 19 Order

Form 19




NOTE -- Aspects are shown by position of semaphore blades, color of lights, position of lights, or any combination thereof.

Illustrations of typical signal aspects:
R = RedG = Green
Y = YellowW = White

RULE 281

Rule 281


RULE 282

Rule 282


RULE 283

Rule 282




RULE 284

Rule 284


RULE 285

Rule 285





RULE 286

Rule 286


RULE 287

Rule 287


RULE 289

Rule 289




RULE 290

Rule 290


RULE 291

Rule 291


RULE 292

Rule 292





Rule 296



Rule 297





Rule 298



NOTE -- manual Block Signal System rules will be used only on the territory specified in the time-table or in special instructions.
Rules with prefix "T" apply in Manual Block Signal System territories where blocks are controlled by train dispatcher. Rules with prefix "O" apply in Manual Block Signal System territories where blocks are controlled by operators under direction of train dispatchers. Those without prefix are for both train dispatchers and operators’ Manual Block Signal Systems.


305.  Block signals govern the use of the blocks, but, unless otherwise provided, do not supersede the superiority of trains; nor dispense with the use or the observance of other signals whenever and wherever they may be required.

306.  When a block station is open at an irregular hour, trains must be notified,when possible by train order.

307.  A train having entered a block on other than a proceed indication, must not accept a proceed indication at any intermediate block station which was closed when such train entered the block, without receiving Clearance Form "A."

308.  When Clearance Form "A" is used to authorize a train to pass a block signal displaying Stop-indication and the block is clear, the form must so state in the space provided for block indication.
If the block is occupied the space for the block indication will be left blank and Clearance Form "B" will be delivered showing block condition.




311.  Signals must be kept in the position displaying the most restrictive indication, except when displayed for an immediate movement.

312.  Appliances must be operated carefully and only by those charged with that duty. If any irregularity affecting their operation is detected the signals must be displayed to give their most restrictive indication until repairs are made.

313.  Operators must observe, as far as practicable, whether the indications of the signals correspond with the positions of the levers.

314.  Operators must not make nor permit any unauthorized repairs, alterations or additions to the apparatus. Any defects in the appliances must be promptly reported to the Superintendent.

315.  A block record must be kept at each block station on the prescribed form, beginning at 12:01 a.m. daily. When a train is passed by another, at a block station, it must be reentered upon the block record. The last train entering a block must be the last recorded.


NOTE -- When the telephone is used, the code will be used without the numerals.

1 -- Display Stop-signal.
13 -- I understand.
17 -- Display Stop-signal. Train following.
2 -- Block clear.
3 -- Block wanted for train other than passenger.

36 -- Block wanted for passenger train.
4 -- Train other than passenger has entered block.
46 -- Passenger train has entered block.
5 -- Block is not clear of train other than passenger.
56 -- Block is not clear of passenger train.
7 -- Train following.
8 -- Opening block station. Answer by 2, 5, or 56.
9 -- Closing block station, followed by 2.
If the block is clear, to be answered by 13, followed by 2.
If the block is not clear, to be answered by 5 or 56.
64 -- Testing answer by 64.
When two or more tracks are used in the same direction, operators in using the communicating code must also specify the track.

O-317.  On single track, to admit a train to a block, the operator must examine block record and if block in advance is clear of opposing trains and preceding passenger trains, give "3" or "36" to the next block station in advance. The operator receiving this signal, if block is clear, must display Stop signal to opposing trains and reply "2." If the block is not clear, he must reply "5" or "56." Operator requesting block will then display the proper signal indication. Operators must promptly enter on block record the time block is given or received.
A train must not be admitted to a block which is occupied by an opposing train or by a passenger train except as provided in Rule O-333 or by



train order. To permit a train to follow a train other than a passenger train into a block, the operator must give "17" to the next block station in advance. The operator receiving this signal, if there is no passenger train in the block, must reply "5" or "13." The approaching train will then be admitted to the block under Permissive signal or Clearance Form "B."

T-317.  Operators at block stations will report as early as possible the approach of each engine or train and obtain instructions from train dispatcher as to signal indication that shall be displayed.
When operator reports the approach of an engine or train, the train dispatcher will give instructions as to which signal indication will be displayed. The operator will report "No. ____ or Extra ____ is coming;" to which the train dispatcher will authorize "STOP"-"PERMISSIVE" or "CLEAR" as circumstances require, signing his initials. The operator will repeat this signal back to train dispatcher before displaying authorized signal, giving his initials and office call, and display signal as ordered. A record must be maintained by the operator on his block record of all signal indications authorized and the time authorized. When practicable, train dispatcher will authorize the signal indication in advance of arrival of train in order to prevent unnecessary stops of trains. A train must not be admitted to a block which is occupied by an opposing train or by a passenger train except as provided in Rule T-333 or by train order. A train may be permitted to follow a

train other than a passenger train into a block under Permissive signal indication or Clearance Form "B."

318.  A train admitted to a block in which it will meet an opposing train must receive a train order governing its movement at the point of entrance of block, in addition to any train order of same nature previously issued, and may then enter block on Permissive signal indication and Forms "A" and "B" properly executed. Form "19" train order may be used, except that when a train carrying passengers is involved Form "31" train order must be issued to all trains affected.

O-318.  On two or more tracks, to admit a train to a block, the operator must examine the block record and display proper signal indication.
A train must not be admitted to a block which is occupied by a passenger train except as provided in Rule O-333 or by train order. A train may be permitted to follow a train other than a passenger train into a block under Permissive signal indication or Clearance Form "B."

319.  Operators must report departure of trains or engines promptly, but not until the rear of train has passed and signal restored to normal position.

O-319.  When a train enters a block, the operator must give "4" or "46," and the time to the next block station in advance. When the rear of the train has passed and signal restored to normal position, he must promptly give the record of the train to the next block station in the rear. This information must be entered in the block record.



O-320.  Unless otherwise provided, operators must not ask for the block until they have received a report of the train from the next block station in the rear.

321.  Operators must, as far as practicable, observe all passing trains and note whether they are complete and in order, and the markers properly displayed.

O-322.  Should a train pass a block station with any indication of conditions endangering the train, or a train on another track, the operator must immediately notify the operator at the next block station in advance, and each must display Stop signals to all trains that may be affected, and must not permit any train to proceed until it is known that its track is not obstructed.

T-322.  Should a train pass a block station with any indication of conditions endangering the train or a train on another track, the Operator must immediately notify the train dispatcher who will issue instructions to the Operators at each end of the block to display Stop Indications to all trains that may be affected and must not permit any train to proceed until it is known that its track is not obstructed.

O-323  Should a train without markers pass a block station, the operator must notify the train dispatcher and operator at the next block station in each direction, and must not report that train clear of the block nor clear the signal for the block in the rear until he has ascertained that the train is complete.

T-323.  Should a train without markers pass a block station, the operator must notify the train dispatcher, and must not clear the signal for the

block nor report that train is clear of the block in the rear until he has been advised by the train dispatcher that the train is complete.

T-325.  An operator informed of any obstruction in a block must immediately notify the train dispatcher who will issue instructions to operators at each end of the block to display Stop Indications to all trains that may be affected and must not permit any train to proceed until it is known that its track is not obstructed.

O-325.  An operator informed of any obstruction in a block must immediately notify the operator at the other end of the block and each must display Stop indications to all trains that may be affected and must not permit any train to proceed until it is known that its track is not obstructed.

326.  When a train or engine clears the main track, the train dispatcher or operator must know it is clear of the block before giving block for another movement or displaying a clear indication for that block.
The train dispatcher or operator must obtain control of the block before permitting a train or engine to re-enter the block.

O-327.  To permit a train or engine to enter a block or foul the main track, or to cross from one main track to another, the operator must examine the block record. and if all the blocks affected are clear of approaching trains he must provide or arrange for block protection before permission is given, and until movement is complete and block clear, trains will not be admitted to the block except by Permissive signal indication or



Clearance Form "B."
All crossover movements must be entered on the block record.

328.  When coupled trains are separated, as prescribed by Rule 364, the operator must regard each portion as an independent train.

329.  When necessary to stop a train for which other than a Stop signal has been displayed and accepted, the operator must give hand signals in addition to displaying the Stop signal.

330.  An operator having train orders for a train must display the block signal at "Stop." He may permit trains so stopped to proceed under Block Signal Rules after complying with Rules for Movement by Train Orders.

O-331.  When from the failure of block signal apparatus, the block signal cannot be changed from its most restrictive indication, an operator having information from operator at the next block station in advance that the block is clear, may admit a train to the block by the use of Clearance Form "A."
If the block is occupied by a train, other than an opposing train or a passenger train, the operator may admit a following train by use of Clearance Form "B."

T-331.  When, from the failure of block signal apparatus, a block signal cannot be changed from its most restrictive indication, operator, having information from train dispatcher that the block is clear, may admit a train into the block by the use of Clearance Form "A."
If the block is occupied by a train, other than

an opposing train or a passenger train, the operator may admit a following train by use of Clearance Form "B," when so authorized by train dispatcher.

332.  Operating levers must be blocked or marked and must not be used when a track, switch or signal is undergoing repairs, or when a track is obstructed.

O-333.  When, from any cause, an operator is unable to communicate with the next block station in advance, he must stop all trains approaching in that direction. Should no cause for detaining a train be known, it may then be permitted to proceed with Clearance Form "B," provided ten minutes have elapsed since the passage of the last preceding train.

T-333.  When an operator is unable to com municate with train dispatcher, he must stop all trains, confer with engineer and conductor of each train stopped, develop from them their time-table or train order authority, and, providing such authority is not restricted at his station, furnish engineer and conductor with Clearance Form "A" and Clearance Form "B" properly filled in and permit trains to proceed as though Restricting signal had been displayed, spacing trains ten (10) minutes apart. Operator must, however, if possible, first ascertain from the operator at the next block station that no opposing train is in the block and arrange with him to hold any that might approach. Until means of communication with train dispatcher have been restored, fixed signal will remain in Stop position at all times.
Engineers and conductors furnished with



Clearance Forms "A" or "B" or both under such circumstances must report facts to train dispatcher from next open telegraph or telephone office after passing point at which such forms were furnished them.

334.  Hand signals must not be used when the proper indication can be displayed by the block signals, except as prescribed by Rule 329 or 343. When hand signals are necessary they must be given from such a place and in such a way that there can be no misunderstanding on the part of enginemen or trainmen as to the signals, or as to the train or engine for which they are intended.

335.  Block signals for a track apply only to trains moving with the current of traffic on that track.

336.  Operators will be held responsible for the care of the block station, lamps and supplies.

337.  Lights in block stations must be so placed that they cannot be seen from approaching trains.

338.  If a train overruns a Stop signal, the fact must be reported to the Superintendent.

T-339.  If a Stop signal is disregarded, the fact must be reported to the train dispatcher, who will report same to the Superintendent,

O-339.  If a Stop signal is disregarded. the fact must be reported to the next block station in advance and then to the Superintendent.

O-340.  To open a block station, the operator must notify the next block station in each direction and record the trains that are in the extended

When trains, which were in the extended block when the block station was opened and which had passed his block station before it was opened, clear the block in advance, he must repeat the record to the block station in the rear.

341.  A block station must not be closed without proper authority.

O-342.  Unless otherwise provided, a block station must not be closed until the block in each direction is clear of all trains.
To close a block station, the operator must notify the next block station in each direction and when he receives the acknowledgment enter it on the block record, with the time it is received from each block station.
The block signals must then be secured in the clear position, all lights extinguished, and the block wires and, when necessary, circuits arranged to work through the closed block station.

343.  When a block station is open at an irregular hour, operators must use hand signals, in addition to block signals, to give the required indications until all trains have passed which have not been notified by train order that the block station is open.

344.  Operators must not permit unauthorized persons to enter the block station.


360.  Block signals for a track apply only to trains moving with the current of traffic on that track.



361.  Conductors and enginemen are responsible for noting the indication of block signals, and will be held equally responsible for their observance.

362.  Trains or engines receiving Stop indication of block signals must make full stop before any part of the train or engine passes the signal, and may then proceed after receiving proper indication of block signal, Clearance Form "A" or "B," or both when required.
At meeting or passing points where it is necessary for trains or engines to pass Stop signal to pull into side track, or to do station work, or to let another train pull out of side track, after making stop and being authorized by operator, they may do so but must not depart until proper signal indication has been displayed or Clearance Form "A" or "B," or both when required, have been issued.

362 (a).  When more than one train has been permitted to pass Stop signal to take siding, or to allow other trains to leave siding as provided under Rule 362, the display of Permissive or Proceed signal indication will allow only the leading train to proceed, and after the leading train has departed, signal must again be placed at Stop indication until such time as train dispatcher authorizes the movement of following trains. This procedure to be followed until last train affected has moved.

364.  Unless otherwise directed, when two or more trains have been coupled and so pass any block station, they must be separated only at a block station and the operator notified.

365.  When a train or engine clears the main track the conductor or engineer must report clear to the operator or dispatcher. A train or engine must not enter a block or foul the main track, or cross from one track to another without permission, unless otherwise provided.
A train or engine having passed beyond the limits of a block must not back into that block without permission.

366.  Trains or engines must not accept and proceed on Proceed indication of block signals unless normal running time can be made to the next open block signal office, in accordance with Rule S-87.

367.  The engineer of a train which has parted must sound the whistle signal for Train-parted when approaching a block station.

369.  When a parted train is recoupled the operator must be notified.

370.  When there is an obstruction between block stations, notice must be given to the nearest operator.

371.  When a train is stopped by a block signal the conductor and engineer must immediately ascertain the cause.

372.  Conductors and engineers must report to the Superintendent any unusual detention at block stations.

373.  A block station must not be considered as closed, except as provided for by time-table or special instructions.




NOTE -- Automatic Block Signal System rules will he used only an the territory specified in the time-table or in special instructions.


505.  Block signals govern the use of the blocks, but, unless otherwise provided, do not supersede the superiority of trains; nor dispense with the use or the observance of other signals whenever and wherever they may be required.


508.  Unless otherwise provided, block signals for a track apply only to trains or engines moving with the current of traffic on that track.

508 (a).  Trains or engines must not enter or foul main track, or cross over from one main track to another, except when authorized by the train dispatcher or operator, unless otherwise provided.

509.  Trains or engines must stop before any part of the train or engine passes a signal indicating "Stop" or "Stop and Proceed," except as authorized by Rule 509 (c) and 509 (d).

509 (a).  When a train is stopped by a Stop indication it must stay until authorized to proceed, and will then proceed at restricted speed, or in case of failure of means of communication it may proceed when preceded by a flagman to the next signal displaying a Proceed indication.

509 (b).  When a train is stopped at "Stop and Proceed" signal, it may proceed at once at restricted speed.

509 (c).  Grade Signals are located on certain grades and authorize engineers in charge of freight trains to proceed without stopping at signal indicating "Stop and Proceed" unless otherwise ordered.
Freight trains will acknowledge this indication by two short blasts of the whistle and may proceed with caution and not exceeding Restricted speed expecting to find train in block, broken rail, obstruction, or switch not properly lined.

509 (d).  Telephone train order signals, Rules 296, 297 and 298, are located at points designated in the time-table. These rules are amplified as follows:
(1) Rule 296.  It is forbidden to use a crossover at any point where a telephone train order signal is located without permission.
(2) Rule 297.  Passenger trains will report before pulling in siding. When siding cannot be used or there is no siding, making it necessary to back train over to opposite track, signal may be passed without first bringing the train to a stop and may proceed at restricted speed until the rear end of train clears the crossover. After permission has been received from train dispatcher or operator, train may back over, protecting movement as prescribed by Rule 99.
(3) Rule 298.  Proceed in accordance with signal indication regardless of following superior trains -- except as provided for in



Rule 509 (b) -- until otherwise ordered.
It is forbidden to accept the Proceed indication if there is any known cause that will prevent making usual running time. When a train accepts the Proceed indication and for any cause is unable to make usual running time, train must be protected as prescribed by Rule 99.

510.  When a train is stopped by a block signal which is evidently out of order, and not so indicated, the fact must be reported to the Superintendent.

511.  Both switches of a crossover must be opened before a train or engine starts to make a crossover movement, and the movement must be completed before either switch is restored to normal position. Main track switch must not be restored to normal position before rear of train entering siding has passed beyond the fouling point.

512.  Where switch indicators are used, the indications displayed do not relieve enginemen and trainmen from protecting their train as required by the rules.

513.  Trains or engines which have been delayed in the block after passing a signal governing the approach to an interlocking or controlled signal, will proceed prepared to stop at the home signal.

514.  A train or engine entering a block between signals must be protected as required by the rules and must proceed at Restricted Speed to the next signal in advance.

515.  A train having passed beyond the limits of a block must not back into that block, except under the protection of a flagman, or when movements are being made in accordance with Rule 552.

516.  When a train is to be backed or pulled out of a siding or crossed over to a main track against the current of traffic, it must first be protected as prescribed by Rule 99.

517.  A train which is to take a siding at a meeting point within the limits of a block may pass the automatic signal at or near the entrance of siding if at Stop, after first coming to a stop and proceed at Restricted Speed into the siding.

518.  When possible, enginemen and trainmen will observe the operation of automatic signals, and if a signal is at "Proceed" and does not change to "Stop" when a train enters a block, the train must come to a full stop, and after leaving a flagman with stop signals to notify approaching trains, may proceed as provided in Rule 509 (b), notifying the Superintendent by first means of communication.
Each following train stopped and notified by flagman of signal failure will leave a flagman to notify following trains and then proceed as provided in Rule 509 (b).

519.  When a train is delayed after a Proceed signal has been displayed for it, the operator must be notified promptly as to the cause and probable duration of the delay.


520.  Automatic train stop territory will be



designated on the time-table.

520 (a).  In such territory the movement of a train by an engine not equipped with automatic train stop apparatus, or by an engine equipped with automatic train stop apparatus but not in operative condition for direction of movement is prohibited except as provided on the timetable or by permission of the operator when authorized by the Superintendent, and then only as provided by Rule 520 (b).
Authority to operator to permit movement of a train by an engine not equipped with automatic train stop apparatus, or with automatic train stop apparatus not in operative condition for direction of movement, shall be given only:
(1) For a detoured train of a foreign railroad.
(2) For a train of home division when no engine equipped with automatic train stop apparatus in operative condition is available because of unusual or emergency conditions.
(3) For a train, the engine of which has an automatic train stop failure, after leaving engine terminal.
(4) For a train from a foreign division, the engine of which is continued through.

520 (b).  When the automatic train stop apparatus of a train fails or when automatic train stop and fixed signal indications do not conform at two fixed signal locations in succession, thereby indicating a probable defect in automatic train stop apparatus, the train will proceed governed by fixed signal indications, but not exceeding 40 miles per hour, to the next point of communica-

tion where report must be made to the operator. On engines equipped with radio engineers will report condition to the next open telegraph office and train dispatcher.
The movement of a train, the engine of which is not equipped with automatic train stop apparatus, or equipped with automatic train stop apparatus not in operative condition, shall be made at not exceeding 40 miles per hour governed by fixed signal indications unless instructed by operator to proceed and keep clear of occupied blocks. When so instructed the train may proceed at authorized speed governed by fixed signal indications and must not pass Stop and Proceed or Restricting signals unless permitted by operator when authorized by the Superintendent.
Operator must not give permission to trains to pass Stop and Proceed or Restricting signals to enter occupied blocks, except in emergencies and then only when authorized by the Superintendent.
When it is known that automatic train stop apparatus of an engine has failed, it shall be considered in non-operative condition for the remainder of that portion of the railroad over which it operates until cut off for repairs and tests.
When trains are authorized to operate under absolute block or without automatic train stop, records must be maintained on block and train sheet.




550.  Traffic control system rules will apply only on portions of the railroad and on designated tracks so specified on the time-table or in special instructions. (Rule 261.)

551.  When a failure of the system occurs, trains, when authorized, will operate within the limits of the inoperative territory by time-table, train orders and related train rules.

552.  Trains or engines must not enter or foul the main track, nor re-enter any such track after having cleared it unless authorized by the proper indication of the governing signal or by permission from the operator. The move to be made, time desired, and limits of work to be done on main track, must be given to the operator who will grant authority to use main track, state the working limits and time that main track may be used.
When trains or engines are authorized to move in either direction, the working limits must be protected by Stop indication of block signals in both directions until work is completed or track is clear or time limit has expired. When a train or engine has reported clear, authorized time and working limits must again be secured before resuming work.
(a) Instructions or permission received must be repeated to the operator, stating name and occupation of emploves and train or engine identification.

(b) Main track hand operated switches must not be used without authority from the operator, except when a portion of train, or cars, remain standing on main track in the controlled section within which switch is located.
(c) Protection of the rear of train must be provided in accordance with Rule 99 in all cases except when train is within time and work limits authorized.
(d) Trains and engines using main track under authority will clear main track and restore all hand operated switches to normal position and report clear to the operator before the time limit has expired. If necessary to work beyond limits established, or after time limit has expired, operator must be notified and extension in working limits, or time, be obtained.




605.  Interlocking signals govern the use of the routes of an interlocking, and as to movements within interlocking limits, their indications supersede the superiority of trains, but do not dispense with the use or the observance of other signals whenever and wherever they may be required.
Rule D-152 will not applv within interlocking limits.


611.  Signals must be kept in the position displaying the most restrictive indication, except when displayed for an immediate movement.

612.  Appliances must be operated carefully and only by those charged with that duty. If any irregularity affecting their operation is detected the signals must be displayed to give their most restrictive indication until repairs are made.

613.  When the route is set the signals must be operated sufficiently in advance of approaching trains to avoid delay.

615.  When necessary to change any route for which the signals have been cleared for an approaching train or engine, switches, movable frogs or derails, must not be changed or signals cleared for any conflicting route until the train or engine for which the signals were first cleared has stopped.

616.  The lever operating a switch, derail, movable frog, detector bar or lock must not be

moved when any portion of a train or engine is standing on or closely approaching the switch, derail or movable frog.

617.  Operating levers must be blocked or marked and must not be used when a track, switch or signal is undergoing repairs or when a track is obstructed.

618.  During cold weather the levers must be moved as often as may be necessary to keep connections from freezing.

619.  During storms or while snow or sand is drifting, special care must be used in operating switches. If the force whose duty it is to keep the switches clear, is not on hand promptly when required, the fact must be reported to the Superintendent.

620.  If a signal fails to work properly, its operation must be discontinued until repaired and the signal secured so as to display its most restrictive indication.

621.  Operators must observe, as far as practicable, whether the indications of the signals correspond with the positions of the levers.

622.  Operators must not make nor permit any unauthorized repairs, alterations or additions to the interlocking. Any defects in the interlocking must be promptly reported to the Superintendent.

623.  If there is a derailment or if a switch, movable frog or derail is run through, or if any damage occurs to the track or interlocking, the signals must be restored so as to display their most restrictive indication, and no movement



permitted until all parts of the interlocking and track have been examined and are known to be in a safe condition.

624.  When necessary to disconnect a switch, movable point frog, derail, facing point lock, detector bar or electric locking circuits, all switches, movable point frogs and derails affected must be securely spiked or fastened in the required position and the levers blocked or marked in such a manner that they cannot be operated before any train or engine is permitted to pass over them.

625.  When switches, movable point frogs, derails or signals are undergoing repairs, Stop indication must be displayed for any movement which may be affected by such repairs, until it has been ascertained from the repairman that the switches, movable point frogs and derails are properly lined for such movement.

626.  Operators must, as far as practicable, observe all passing trains and note whether they are complete and in order; should there be any indication of conditions endangering the train, or any other train, the operator must take necessary measures for the protection of trains.

628.  Hand signals must not be used when the proper indication can be displayed by the interlocking signals.
When the proper indication cannot be displayed, hand signals and Clearance Form "B" must be used.
When hand signals are necessary, they must be given from such a place and in such a way that

there can be no misunderstanding on the part of enginemen or trainmen as to the signals or as to the train or engine for which they are intended.

629.  If necessary to permit train or engine to pass an interlocking Stop signal which is also used as a train order signal, Clearance Form "A" must be used in addition to Clearance Form "B."

630.  Operators will be held responsible for the care of the interlocking station, lamps and supplies.

631.  Lights in interlocking stations must be so placed that they cannot be seen from approaching trains.

633.  If a train or engine overruns a Stop signal the fact must be reported to the Superintendent.

634.  Operators must not permit unauthorized persons to enter the interlocking station.

635.  During a stated period an interlocking station may be closed upon authority of the Superintendent. When so closed, switches and switch levers must be secured for routes that do not conflict and signal levers placed in position so that signals will display the proper indication.
The interlocking station must be securely locked.

636.  At interlocking stations, where there is a train order or block signal operated by the same operator, such signals must not be changed to display a Proceed indication for a train until after the interlocking signal has been changed to permit the train to proceed.




661.  If a signal, permitting a train to proceed after being accepted, is changed to a Stop signal before it is reached, the stop must be made at once. Such occurrence must be reported to the Superintendent.

663.  Trains or engines must not pass an interlocking Stop signal without receiving a Clearance Form "B" and hand signals; and if the signal is used as a train order signal, a Clearance Form "A" must be used in addition. Enginemen and trainmen must not proceed on hand signals until they are fully informed of the situation, the movement must then be made at restricted speed.

664.  The engineer of a train which has parted must sound the whistle signal for Train-parted on approaching an interlocking station.

667.  Sand must not be used over movable parts of an interlocking.

668.  Any unusual detention at interlocking stations must be promptly reported to the Superintendent.

669.  Trains or engines stopped by the operator in making a movement through an interlocking, must not move in either direction until they have received the proper signal from him.

670.  A reverse movement within the limits of an interlocking, or a forward movement after making a reverse movement, must not be made without the proper interlocking signal indication or permission from the operator.

670 (a).  When a train or engine having accepted a proceed indication of an interlocking signal, stops less than 30 feet beyond such signal, it must not again proceed without permission from the operator.

671.  While an interlocking station is closed, should a signal for an open route indicate "Stop," movements through the interlocking must be preceded by a flagman. Before proceeding, the enginemen and trainmen must know the route is properly lined.
The facts must be reported to the Superintendent from the first available point of communication.

672.  Where a train or engine is stopped by a Stop indication at an automatic interlocking signal and no immediate conflicting movement is evident, a member of the crew must operate the time release. If signal does not change its indication at expiration of time release interval and there is no train or engine on conflicting route and signals on conflicting route indicate "Stop," train or engine may then proceed on hand signal from a member of the crew under flag protection.
If a train or engine is on conflicting route, hand proceed signal must not be given until such movement is stopped, and if signals on conflicting route do not indicate "Stop," proper flag protection must be provided.




Train Dispatchers

807.  Train Dispatchers report to and receive instructions from the Chief Train Dispatcher.

808.  They will issue orders governing the movement of trains, in accordance with the rules; record the movement of all trains and important incidents affecting the movement of traffic.

809.  Each train dispatcher going off duty must enter, in ink, on the train dispatcher’s train-order book, record of all outstanding orders and know that they are understood by the relieving train dispatcher.

810.  A train dispatcher and the operator working with him must not be relieved at the same time.

Yard Masters

811.  Yard Masters report to and receive instructions from the Superintendent or such official as may be designated.

812.  They will have charge of yards, of the men employed, the movement of trains and engines, and the distribution and movement of cars within assigned limits.

813.  They must see that employes are in condition for the proper discharge of duty.

814.  They must see that trains are properly made up and ready to leave as directed; that proper slips or way-bills are furnished; that cars or tanks containing explosives or inflammable substances are located in trains in accordance with existing regulations.

815.  They must be familiar with instructions relative to refrigeration, ventilation and protection of perishable and other freight, and unless otherwise provided, see that a complete record of seals on all doors and hatches is promptly taken upon arrival of cars in yard. If a loaded car is found not properly sealed, contents should be promptly examined and car sealed, making prompt report to the Superintendent.

816  They must take an inventory of all cars in yards as often as necessary to insure prompt movement; keep a record of all trains, note all irregularities, and make report to proper official. At interchange points they must take record of seals on cars received from and delivered to connecting lines.

817.  Any change on a way-bill must be made in ink or indelible pencil and show authority and name of person making change.

Station Agents

818.  The Station Agent reports to and receives his instructions from the Station Supervisor or such officer as the Superintendent may designate. He must conform to the instructions issued by the Accounting, Passenger, Freight and Treasury Departments.



819.  He has charge of the company’s books and papers, and of the buildings, sidings and grounds at his station; and must preserve order in and about the station, keep the buildings and grounds in proper condition, and give proper attention to fire protection. He must see that no unauthorized person has access to the ticket and freight offices, baggage and freight rooms.

820.  It is his duty to attend to the sale of tickets and the receiving, delivering and forwarding of baggage and freight, and collections for the same; see that cars are promptly loaded or unloaded and forwarded; keep the accounts, and make reports and remittances, in the manner prescribed.

821.  He has charge of the employes at the station and must see that they perform their duties properly; promptly report any misconduct or violation of the rules, and anything that is observed that is prejudicial to the company’s interests or may interfere with the safe and economical working of the railroad. Where there is no Yard Master, the duties of such position, as far as they exist, devolve upon the Station Agent, and he must be governed in the discharge of such duties by the rules for Yard Masters.

822.  He will report to the Superintendent on local matters which may affect the interests of the company.

823.  He must not sell tickets to persons who are not in a condition to take care of themselves, or whose conduct might endanger their lives or make them a source of annoyance to others on trains.

824.  He must see that cars, left at the station have the hand brakes applied and are not moved by unauthorized persons, or shifted so as to interfere with the safety of trains. He must also take seal records of cars received, forwarded and interchanged.

Baggage Agents

825.  The Baggage Agent reports to and receives his instructions from the Station Supervisor or such officer as the Superintendent may designate. He must obey the orders of the Station Agent, and conform to the instructions issued by the Manager, Mail, Baggage and Express Traffic, Accounting, Passenger and Treasury Departments.

826.  It is his duty to receive and check baggage, and deliver it to the baggagemen on trains; take charge of baggage unloaded at his station; handle baggage carefully; be civil and obliging to passengers, and require them to show proper transportation before checking their baggage. He must not permit unauthorized persons in the baggage room unless they are accompanied by himself or his representative.

827.  He must promptly report all loss, damage or irregularity in handling baggage, U. S. mail, letters, packages and baggage checks.


828.  Operators report to and receive their instructions from the Chief Train Dispatcher, unless otherwise provided. An operator at a station must conform to the instructions of the



Station Agent.

829.  He must not leave or close his office without permission from the Chief Train Dispatcher. When permitted to leave his office in charge of a substitute, he must acquaint his substitute with all the duties.

830.  Where two or more Operators are employed at day or night offices, there must always be one on duty. When both day and night Operators are employed, they must relieve each other. 831.  He must not leave his office when a train is at the station, unless required to do so by business connected with the train.

832.  He must see that telegrams are properly timed, and to note the office sent to, or received from, the time sent or received, the sending or receiving Operator’s personal signature, and note on the back of each delayed telegram the time calls are made.

833.  He must have proper signal appliances in good order, ready for immediate use, and must know that all signals are in proper working order and that switch and signal lights are properly displayed.
He must properly post special orders and bulletins when required.

834.  He must not allow unauthorized persons inside his office. Students may be allowed when authorized by the Superintendent. He must consider the telegraph and telephone a confidential service and treat the contents of messages accordingly. At offices where commercial telegraph

business is handled, the Manager and Operator will be held accountable for the proper handling and reporting of same in conformity with the requirements of the Telegraph Company.

835.  When relieved he must make written transfer on the prescribed form of all train orders not delivered, and see that such orders, and all information pertaining thereto, is understood by the relief operator who must compare the train orders with the transfer, and note the time and sign the transfer.

836.  He must keep the Train Dispatcher advised of temperature, heavy fog and severe storms of rain, snow or wind.

837.  In case a circuit which he uses is interrupted, he must ascertain and report, if possible, on which side of his office the trouble exists. If it be at a point near by which the line repairer cannot promptly reach, he must, if possible, notify the track foreman immediately. He must be sufficiently familiar with switchboards to enable him to give such tests and make such patches as may be ordered by the Wire Chief in charge.

838.  Each day at 11:57 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and at 10:57 a.m. Central Standard Time, all business must be suspended on all circuits and connections will be made with the Washington, D. C., Observatory for a period of three minutes. This signal clock will break the circuit once every second, except the 29th second and the 55th to the 59th seconds, inclusive, of each minute are omitted. Thus the first beat after the pause of five seconds will mark the beginning of a minute, and the first beat after the pause of



one second marks thirty seconds. In order to distinguish the last minute, the beats cease ten seconds before 12 o’clock Eastern Standard Time and before 11 o’clock Central Standard Time, when there will be a single beat. The first beat after the long pause indicates 12 o’clock, Eastern Standard Time, or 11 a.m., Central Standard Time.
Operators or other employes in charge, unless otherwise provided, must note and record each day on the prescribed form the variation in the time of standard clocks, and report any variation of thirty seconds in the time immediately to the Chief Train Dispatcher.

Passenger Conductors

840.  The Passenger Conductor reports to and receives his instructions from the Superintendent and Train Master. He must obey the orders of Station Masters and Yard Masters, and conform to instructions issued by the Accounting, Passenger and Treasury Departments.

841.  He must report for duty in uniform at the appointed time, and see that the trainmen are ready for duty; assist in making up his train when necessary; see that the engine and train are provided with full sets of signals; ascertain that the cars have been inspected and properly equipped, cleaned, heated and lighted, and that the brakes and other appliances are in proper order.

842.  He must carry while on duty a reliable railroad grade watch and a copy of the current time-table; he must examine the bulletin board

and special order book and sign current special orders when reporting for duty. Compare time with the engineer before starting and see that he has a copy of the current time-table. He will see that subordinates are familiar with their duties, ascertain the extent of their experience, and instruct them in the performance of their work.

843.  He is responsible for the movement, safety, and proper care of his train, and for the vigilance and conduct of the men employed thereon, and must report any misconduct or neglect of duty.

844.  It is his duty, when required, to assist passengers getting on and off trains, see that they are provided with proper transportation, collect fare from those who are not, and put off, at a convenient station, any who refuse to pay fare; attend courteously to the comfort and wants of passengers, and see that his trainmen do the same; see that passengers are properly seated, and not allow them to ride on the platforms, in the baggage, express or mail cars, or violate, in any respect, the regulations provided for their safety; maintain good order and not allow intoxicated or disorderly persons to get on the train. On arrival at terminal stations, he will remain on duty in uniform to render passengers assistance, when required, in getting off trains.

Passenger Trainmen

845.  The Passenger Trainman reports to and receives his instructions from the Train Master. He must obey the orders of Station Masters and Yard Masters. While on duty he is under the direction of the Conductor.



846.  He must report for duty in uniform at the appointed time; must carry while on duty a reliable railroad grade watch and a copy of the current time-table; examine bulletin board and special order book; assist in making up his train when required; and give polite attention to the wants of passengers, avoiding unnecessary conversation. When passing through sleeping cars, do so quietly so as not to disturb passengers; at each station stop announce distinctly the name of the station; where trains are to stop for meals, make such announcement and the length of stop.

847.  It is his duty to attend to the brakes when necessary; be provided with, take care of, and properly display train signals; attend to the lighting, heating and ventilation of the cars, open and close the car doors, and assist the conductor in the proper disposition of passengers, in preventing them from riding on the platforms, or in any way violating the regulations provided for their safety; in preserving order; and in all things requisite for the safe and prompt movement of the train and the comfort of passengers.

848.  He must immediately go back to protect the train, where the rules require it, without waiting for signal or instructions to do so. When more than one Trainman is used on a train the rear Trainman must perform this duty, and the front Trainman must in like manner protect the front of the train.

Train Baggagemen

849.  The Train Baggageman reports to and receives his instructions from the Train Master. He must obey the orders of Station Masters and

Yard Masters. While on duty he is under the direction of the Conductor.

850.  He must conform to instructions issued by the Accounting and Passenger Departments and the Manager, Mail, Baggage and Express Traffic.

851.  He must report for duty at the appointed time; handle baggage carefully; be civil and obliging to passengers, and remain in the baggage car while on duty, except when required to take the place of a trainman.

852.  It is his duty to receive, take care of and correctly deliver baggage carried on the train, U. S. mail and express carried in the baggage car; check baggage at stations where there are no baggage agents; take charge of and promptly deliver letters and packages forwarded on railroad business or addressed to officers or agents; and attend to the light and heat in baggage cars while on duty.

853.  He must report all loss, damage or irregularity in handling baggage, U. S. Mail, express, letters and packages promptly to the Train Master of the division on which it occurred. He must not carry letters, packages, money or other valuables not authorized by the regulations, and must not permit any one to ride in the baggage car except trainmen, mail agents, express agents, and news agents, in the discharge of their duties, and authorized officers.

Freight Conductors

854.  The Freight Conductor reports to and receives his instructions from the Superintendent



and Train Master. He must obey the orders of Yard Masters.

855.  He must report for duty at the appointed time, and see that the trainmen are ready for duty; see that he has the proper waybills for the cars to be moved; assist in making up his train when necessary; see that the engine and train are provided with full sets of signals; that couplings and brakes are in good order before starting, and inspect them as frequently as opportunity permits; see that trainmen occupy their proper places on the train; handle freight with care, using every effort to prevent loss or damage; see that doors of cars are properly secured, and not permit unauthorized persons to enter the cars, handle freight or to ride upon the train; and keep all records prescribed by current instructions.

856.  He must carry while on duty, a reliable railroad grade watch and a copy of the current time-table; examine the bulletin board and special order book, where provided, signing current special orders when reporting for duty. Where practicable, compare time with the engineer before starting and see that he has a copy of the current time-table.

857.  He will see that subordinates are familiar with their duties, ascertain the extent of their experience and instruct them in the performance of their work. He is responsible for the movement, safety and proper care of his train, and for the vigilance and conduct of the men employed thereon, and must report any misconduct or neglect of duty.

858.  He must not move cars from stations or sidings without proper waybills or proper authority, and must see that cars are in safe condition to be moved. When cars are left on a siding he must see that they are properly secured by hand brakes and every precaution taken to prevent them from being improperly moved.

859.  He must check with the waybills (in conjunction with the Station Agent if possible) all freight loaded and unloaded, and make a record of freight over, short, or in bad order. When necessary to transfer freight from one car to another, he must record the transfer and the number of the car to which it is transferred on face of waybill.

Freight Trainmen

861.  The Freight Trainman reports to and receives his instructions from the Train Master. While on duty he is under the direction of the Conductor. He must report for duty at the appointed time; he must carry, while on duty, a reliable railroad grade watch and a copy of the current time-table; examine bulletin board and special order book, and assist in making up his train. It is his duty to attend to the brakes; be provided with, take care of, and properly display train signals; assist the conductor in loading or unloading freight, in inspecting the cars, and in all things requisite for the safe and prompt movement of the train.

862.  When not engaged in duty elsewhere, he must occupy the post assigned him. The post of the rear Trainman is on the last car. He must immediately go back to protect the train, where



the rules require it, without waiting for signal or instructions to do so. The front Trainman must in like manner protect the front of the train. An assisting engine on the rear is a part of the train and the Trainman will be governed accordingly.

Switch Tenders

863.  The Switch Tender reports to and receives his instructions from the Yard Master.

864.  He must report for duty at the appointed time, must carry while on duty, a reliable railroad grade watch and a copy of the current time-table. It is his duty to operate the switches under his charge for trains using them; provide himself with proper signal appliances, keep them in good order and ready for immediate use; to keep the switches in good condition and clear of snow or other obstruction, and promptly report defects.

865.  He must keep the switches secured for the main track, except when passing trains to or from another track, and must watch for approaching trains and give the proper signal.

866.  A Switch Tender to be relieved by another must not leave his post until relieved, and the one going off duty must give the one coming on full information regarding overdue trains and any instructions essential to the movement of trains.


867.  The Engineer reports to and receives his instructions from the Superintendent. He

must obey the orders of the Train Master and Road Foreman of Engines. He must obey the orders of Yard Masters and those of Conductors as to starting, stopping and general management of train, unless they endanger the safety of the train or require violation of rules. When at the engine house he is under the direction of the Engine House Foreman.
When there is no Conductor, or the Conductor is disabled, he will have charge of the train, and must be governed by the rules prescribed for Conductors.

868.  He must report for duty at the appointed time; see that the engine is in good working order and furnished with the necessary signals and supplies; and assist in shifting and making up the train.

869.  He must carry while on duty, a reliable railroad grade watch and a copy of the current time-table, compare time before starting, and, if necessary adjust his watch to show correct time. Examine the bulletin board and special order book where provided, and sign current special orders. When reporting for duty, and when practicable, compare time with the conductor of his train before starting. He will see that fireman is familiar with his duties, ascertain the extent of his experience, and instruct him in the performance of his work.

870.  He must exercise caution and good judgment in starting and stopping the train, and in moving and coupling cars, so as to avoid disturbance to passengers and injury to persons or property; keep a lookout on the track for signals and obstructions; acknowledge all signals,



stop and inquire respecting any signal not understood; when necessary see that the train is protected; use every precaution against fire; report the condition of the engine at the end of each trip; assist in making repairs when necessary, and must report any misconduct or neglect of duty.

871.  He must not permit any person to ride on the engine without authority, except division staff officers, their assistants and trainmen in dicharge of their duty.

872.  He must not leave the engine during a trip except in case of necessity, and must then leave the fireman in charge.


873.  The Fireman reports to and receives his instructions from the Superintendent, and will obey the orders of the Train Master and Road Foreman of Engines. In matters relating to the care and use of engines he will be governed by the orders of the Road Foreman and the Master Mechanic. When at the engine house he is under the direction of the Engine House Foreman. When with the engine he must obey the orders of the engineer.

874.  He must report for duty at the appointed time; and carry while on duty, a reliable railroad grade watch and a copy of the current time-table; examine the bulletin board and special order book, where provided, and sign current special orders; assist in shifting and making up train; see signals affecting the movement of his train, assist the engineer in movement of his

train, assist the engineer in keeping a lookout for obstructions and other signals; if qualified, take charge of the engine during the absence of the engineer; assist in making repairs when required. He must not run an engine in the absence of the engineer unless in some emergency he is ordered to do so by the conductor, or someone in authority. He must be familiar with the rules that apply to the protection of trains and the use of signals.

875.  He must when necessary protect his train. If engineer fails to regulate speed of train when approaching a signal indication or other condition requiring that speed be reduced, he must communicate with him at once, and, if necessary, stop the train.

Yard Conductors

876.  The Yard Conductor reports to and receives his instructions from the Yard Master. In yards not under the jurisdiction of a Yard Master, he reports to and is under the direction of the Station Agent. He must report for duty at the appointed time, see that subordinates are familiar with their duties, ascertain the extent of their experience and instruct them in the perforrnance of their work. He must have a copy of the current time-table; carry while on duty, a reliable railroad grade watch; examine the special order book and bulletin board when reporting for duty; compare time with the engineer before commencing the day’s work and see that he has a copy of the current time-table. He is responsible for the safety and care of the work and for the vigilance and conduct of his subordinates and must report anv misconduct or neglect of duty.


Yard Brakemen

877.  The Yard Brakeman reports to and receives his instructions from the Yard Master. While on duty, he is under the direction of the Yard Conductor. He must report for duty at the appointed time; must carry while on duty, a reliable railroad grade watch and copy of the current time-table; and assist in the shifting, making up or breaking up of trains, or distributing cars in yards. He must be conversant with the rules and special instructions for other classes of employes so far as they relate in any way to the proper discharge of his duties; provide himself with a copy of such rules and special instructions; pass the prescribed examinations; provide himself with the necessary signal appliances, and keep them in good order and ready for immediate use.

All HTML Files and Photographs by Jon Liles