* Form 3648--10, ’12,--1000





July 1, 1912




Fire extinguishers should be located in conspicuous places. Freight or material must not be piled so as to prevent their being readily seen or reached at all times. Extinguishers indorsed by the National Board of Fire Underwriters known as the "TIP OVER" type should be suspended from hooks so that the bottom of the extinguisher will not be less than four feet or more than four feet six inches from the floor. Extinguishers other than the above named machines may be stood upon shelves at a similar distance from the floor.


Fire extinguishers should be inspected by those in charge of the same once each month, to see that they are properly charged and that all threaded or working parts are properly lubricated; that all acid bottles fit snugly in the cage; that they are properly filled according to directions and that the solution in the tank has not diminished in quantity. Report should be made on Form No. 249 and forwarded to the CHIEF OF POLICE through the proper channels.


Extinguishers indorsed by the National Board of Fire Underwriters known as the "TIP OVER" type have charging directions embossed on a brass plate affixed to the machine. These directions should be followed implicitly. In charging extinguishers known as the "BABCOCK" the following rules will apply: Fill bottle full of Commercial Sulphuric Acid (eight fluid ounces) and place the rubber cork firmly in the same, then place the bottle in the cage. Dissolve three pounds of BI-CARBONATE OF SODA in five gallons of water and fill the extinguisher to within three inches of the top. Screw the head on tight. Sufficient quantity of Bi-Carbonate of Soda and Sulphuric Acid should always be kept on hand to recharge each extinguisher at least twice.


Extinguishers should be discharged and tested under 200 pounds hydrostatic pressure once each year. Extinguishers showing any defect under such test should be condemned and discarded, report of same made to the Chief of Police and a new extinguisher ordered at once. Tag Form No. 1831 should be applied to each extinguisher, showing date that the same was tested and charged, and the stubs of tag forwarded to the Chief of Police through the proper channels.


All extinguishers now in use will freeze at 34 degrees Fahrenheit. Care should therefore be taken, that in freezing weather, extinguishers be kept in warm places.





Chemical engines should be located in places easy of access at all times. They will freeze at 34 degrees Fahrenheit, and in freezing weather be protected from frost.


Chemical engines should be inspected once each month by parties in charge of the same, to see that all parts are in working condition, and properly lubricated, and that all charges are in perfect shape.


Chemical engines in use are of the 55 gallon capacity type. Fill acid receptacle full of commercial Sulphuric Acid; fill tank to within six inches of the top with water and dissolve 24 pounds of Bi-Carbonate of Soda in same; place acid receptacle in cage and put cover on tight. See that the hose is coiled properly to prevent cracking and so that it can be readily run out.


Each engine should be discharged and tested under 200 pounds hydrostatic pressure once each year, and Tag Form No. 1831 applied and stub of same forwarded to the Chief of Police at New York, through the proper channels.





All fire hose should be tested under 100 pounds hydrostatic pressure once each year. Water should be run through all hose at least once every three months. Hose should be thoroughly drained and dried before being placed on racks or reels. Fire hose, must not be used for any other purpose than for which it is provided.





Water barrels must be kept filled at all times. Between October 1st and April 1st each barrel must be properly salted to prevent freezng. In cold weather they Must be frequently stirred and kept open. Each barrel must be supplied with at least two pails, which must not be used for any other purpose. Barrels and Pails should be painted red and stenciled in white "FOR FIRE USE ONLY."

All HTML Files and Photographs by Jon Liles