Passenger trains | 60 |
Passenger trains between M. P. 217.00 (1.5 mile west of Wadsworth) and Q siding (1.6 mile east of Marion) on westward unrestricted track | 70 |
Passenger trains between Marion and M. P. 218.00 (1.8 mile east of Rittman) on eastward unrestricted track | 70 |
Freight trains | 50 |
Express and equipment trains with freight cars | 50 |
All trains entering or leaving sidings or yards, passing from double to single track, or single to double track, or through crossovers, except as otherwise provided | 10 |
All trains or engines entering eastward or westward sidings Silver Creek and Polk, westward siding Sterling or westward siding Martel, may operate at speed prescribed by signal indication displayed at entrance to siding. | |
All trains or engines leaving westward siding Kenmore, Silver Creek, eastward or westward sidings Polk or westward siding Martel under signal indication Rule 287, Fig. B, Rules of the Operating Department, may operate at a speed not to exceed twenty-five (25) miles per hour through turn-outs. | |
Loaded cars carded Form 5432 | 30 |
Freight trains handling loaded covered hoppers and loaded series 37,000 cars- | |
Between Marion and Cold Springs | 40 |
Freight trains handling loaded self-clearing hopper cars (except covered hopper cars and series 37,000) and freight cars with six-wheel trucks- | |
Between Marion and Cold Springs | 30 |
Trains handling 8-wheel swivel truck cranes steam shovels or other similar pivoted machinery | 30 |
The pivoted machinery listed immediately above is to be hauled on rear of trains, not more than 15 cars from caboose. | |
Trains handling spreader cars | 30 |
(Spreader Cars will be handled with blades in trailing position unless otherwise authorized by Superintendent.) | |
Trains hauling dead steam engines, except otherwise provided | 20 |
Yard engines, classes SA, (except SA-3), SB, SE, MSA and MSL must not be operated with train nor towed in a train at a speed in excess of 40 miles per hour. | |
Yard engines, classes SA-3 and SG will operate with train or be towed in train under instructions issued by Mechanical Department. | |
Yard engines, all classes, when operating as a single unit running light | 25 |
Road engines, all classes, including road-switchers, when operating as a single unit running light | 35 |
Trains hauling wrecking derrick | 30 |
Trains handling wrecking derrick 03300, 03301 or 03302, over Bridges 268.49 (eastward and westward sidings, Mansfield), 295.27 (Caledonia) and 304.84 (Leader St., Marion), Bridges 308.40, 310.53, 326.51, 329.88, 336.86, 338.22, 366.96 and 369.46 between Marion and Cold Springs | 20 |
Conductors will notify engineers before leaving terminal whether or not such equipment in train and engineers will not leave terminal until so notified. | |
Engines must not be operated backward beyond a point where a turn table or wye is located without special authority from the Superintendent. | |
First Sub-Division |
Eastward and Westward tracks, curve No. 6 east of Crain Avenue, Kent, M.P. 190.77 to M.P. 191.20 | 45 |
Eastward and Westward tracks, curve No. 7 at Kent, M.P. 191.47 to M.P. 191.68 | 30 |
Eastward and Westward tracks, curve No. 10 at Kent, M.P. 191.78 to M.P. 191.94 | 45 |
SPEED RESTRICTIONS Con’t | Miles Per Hour |
Westward track, curve No. 14, east of Tallmadge, M.P. 195.37 to M.P. 195.77 | 50 |
Eastward track, curves No. 15 and No. 16, west of Tallmadge, M.P. 197.80 to M.P. 197.08 | 45 |
Eastward and Westward tracks, curves No. 18 and No. 19 east of Akron, M.P. 200.11 to M.P. 200.96 | 50 |
Eastward and westward tracks, curve No. 20 east of Akron, M.P. 200.99 to M.P. 201.46 | 45 |
Eastward and westward tracks, curves No. 21, No. 22, No. 23 and No. 24, at Akron, M.P. 201.54 to M.P. 202.05 | 35 |
Eastward and westward tracks, curves No. 25, No. 26, No. 27 and No. 28, at Akron, M.P. 202.14 to M.P. 202.61 | 45 |
Westward track, curve No. 42, east of Silver Creek, M.P. 212.48 to M.P. 212.81 | 50 |
Westward track, curve No. 43, east of Silver Creek, M.P. 213.18 to M.P. 213.62 | 40 |
Westward track, curve No. 44, at Silver Creek, M.P. 213.86 to M.P. 214.68 | 50 |
Eastward track, curves No. 47, No. 46, No. 45 and No. 44, at Wadsworth, M.P. 216.62 to M.P. 213.86 | 40 |
Westward track, curve No. 47, west of Wadsworth, M.P. 216.20 to M.P. 216.62 | 55 |
Eastward and westward tracks, curve No. 48, west of Wadsworth, M.P. 216.85 to M.P. 217.07 | 50 |
Eastward and westward tracks, curve No. 50, west of Rittman, M.P. 220.09 to M.P. 220.29 | 65 |
Westward track curves No. 59 and No. 60, east of West Salem, M.P. 235.79 to M.P. 236.70 | 40 |
Eastward track, curve No. 60, east of West Salem, M.P. 236.70 to M.P. 236.34 | 65 |
Eastward and westward tracks, curve No. 64, east of Polk, M.P. 242.28 to M.P. 242.86 | 65 |
Eastward track, curve No. 66, east of Nankin, M.P. 246.74 to M.P. 246.56 | 60 |
Eastward track, curve No. 67, west of Nankin, M.P. 248.92 to M.P. 248.31 | 60 |
Westward track, curves No. 70, No. 73 and No. 74, east and west of Ashland, M.P. 251.21 to M.P. 254.02 | 45 |
Eastward track, curve No. 70, east of Ashland, M.P. 251.93 to M.P. 251.21 | 45 |
Eastward track, curve No. 75, east of Pavonia, M.P. 258.01 to M.P. 257.68 | 60 |
Westward track, curves No. 80, No. 81 and No. 82, west of Pavonia, M.P. 261.85 to M.P. 263.29 | 50 |
Westward track, curve No. 83, west of Pavonia, M.P. 263.74 to M.P. 264.75 | 45 |
Eastward track, curve No. 83, east of Summit, M.P. 264.75 to M.P. 263.74 | 60 |
Eastward track, curve No. 84, east of Mansfield, M.P. 267.27 to M.P. 266.79 | 40 |
Eastward and westward tracks, curve No. 85 at Mansfield, M.P. 268.51 to M.P. 269.28 | 25 |
Eastward track, curves No. 86 and No. 87, west of Mansfield, M.P. 270.34 to M.P. 269.48 | 50 |
Westward track, curves No. 86, No. 87 and No. 88, west of Mansfield, M.P. 269.48 to M.P. 271.19 | 40 |
Westward track, curve No. 89, east of Harding, M. P. 273.26 to M.P. 273.53 | 50 |
Eastward track, curves No. 93, No. 94 No. 95, and No. 97, west of Ontario, M.P. 277.58 to M.P. 275.92 | 60 |
Eastward track, curves No. 101 and No. 102, east of Galion, M.P. 279.83 to M.P. 279.29 | 60 |
Eastward and westward tracks, curve No. 103, east of Galion, M.P. 283.14 to M.P. 283.38 | 60 |
Eastward track, curves No. 104 and No. 105, at Galion, M.P. 284.40 to M.P. 283.72 | 40 |
Westward track, curves No. 104 and No. 105, at Galion, M.P. 283.72 to M.P. 284.40 | 50 |
Eastward and westward tracks, Greenwood St. to AC Tower, Marion, M.P. 303.97 to M.P. 305.00 | 30 |